// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml vec{ units{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"forsa g"} one{"{0} de forsa g"} other{"{0} de forsa g"} } meter-per-square-second{ dnam{"metri par segondo cuadrài"} one{"{0} metro par segondo cuadrà"} other{"{0} metri par segondo cuadrài"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"acri"} one{"{0} acro"} other{"{0} acri"} } hectare{ dnam{"ètari"} one{"{0} ètaro"} other{"{0} ètari"} } square-centimeter{ dnam{"sentìmetri cuadrài"} one{"{0} sentìmetro cuadrà"} other{"{0} sentìmetri cuadrài"} per{"{0} par sentìmetro cuadrà"} } square-foot{ dnam{"pie cuadrài"} one{"{0} pie cuadrà"} other{"{0} pie cuadrài"} } square-inch{ dnam{"dedoni cuadrài"} one{"{0} dedon cuadrà"} other{"{0} dedoni cuadrài"} per{"{0} par dedon cuadrà"} } square-kilometer{ dnam{"kilòmetri cuadrài"} one{"{0} kilòmetro cuadrà"} other{"{0} kilòmetri cuadrài"} per{"{0} par kilòmetro 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other{"{0} onse lìcuide"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"onse lìcuide inperiali"} one{"{0} onsa lìcuida inperiale"} other{"{0} onse lìcuide inperiali"} } gallon{ dnam{"galoni"} one{"{0} galon"} other{"{0} galoni"} per{"{0} par galon"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"galoni inperiali"} one{"{0} galon inperiale"} other{"{0} galoni inperiali"} per{"{0} par galon inperiale"} } hectoliter{ dnam{"etòlitri"} one{"{0} etòlitro"} other{"{0} etòlitri"} } jigger{ dnam{"mezureti"} one{"{0} mezureto"} other{"{0} mezureti"} } liter{ dnam{"litri"} one{"{0} litro"} other{"{0} litri"} per{"{0} par litro"} } megaliter{ dnam{"megalitri"} one{"{0} megalitro"} other{"{0} megalitri"} } milliliter{ dnam{"milìlitri"} one{"{0} milìlitro"} other{"{0} milìlitri"} } pinch{ dnam{"spìseghi"} one{"{0} spìsego"} other{"{0} spìseghi"} } pint{ dnam{"pinte"} one{"{0} pinta"} other{"{0} pinte"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"pinte mètreghe"} one{"{0} pinta mètrega"} other{"{0} pinte mètreghe"} } quart{ dnam{"cuarti"} one{"{0} cuarto"} other{"{0} cuarti"} } quart-imperial{ dnam{"cuarti inperiali"} one{"{0} cuarto inperiale"} other{"{0} cuarti inperiali"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"guciari"} one{"{0} guciaro"} other{"{0} guciari"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"guciareti"} one{"{0} guciareto"} other{"{0} guciareti"} } } } unitsNarrow{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"fg"} one{"{0}fg"} other{"{0}fg"} } meter-per-square-second{ one{"{0}m/s²"} other{"{0}m/s²"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"ac"} one{"{0}ac"} other{"{0}ac"} } dunam{ one{"{0}dunam"} other{"{0}dunam"} } hectare{ dnam{"ha"} one{"{0}ha"} other{"{0}ha"} } square-centimeter{ one{"{0}cm²"} other{"{0}cm²"} } square-foot{ one{"{0}ft²"} other{"{0}ft²"} } square-inch{ one{"{0}in²"} other{"{0}in²"} } square-kilometer{ one{"{0}km²"} other{"{0}km²"} } square-meter{ one{"{0}m²"} other{"{0}m²"} } square-mile{ one{"{0}mi²"} other{"{0}mi²"} } square-yard{ one{"{0}yd²"} other{"{0}yd²"} } } duration{ century{ dnam{"sèg"} one{"{0}sèg"} other{"{0}sèg"} } day{ dnam{"dì"} one{"{0}dì"} other{"{0}dì"} per{"{0}/dì"} } decade{ dnam{"dezeni"} one{"{0}dezenio"} other{"{0}dezeni"} } hour{ dnam{"o"} one{"{0}o"} other{"{0}o"} per{"{0}/o"} } microsecond{ one{"{0}μs"} other{"{0}μs"} } millisecond{ one{"{0}ms"} other{"{0}ms"} } minute{ dnam{"m"} one{"{0}m"} other{"{0}m"} per{"{0}/m"} } month{ dnam{"mezi"} one{"{0}meze"} other{"{0}mezi"} per{"{0}/meze"} } nanosecond{ one{"{0}ns"} other{"{0}ns"} } night{ dnam{"noti"} one{"{0}note"} other{"{0}noti"} per{"{0}/note"} } quarter{ dnam{"trim"} one{"{0}trim"} other{"{0}trim"} per{"{0}/trim"} } second{ dnam{"s"} one{"{0}s"} other{"{0}s"} } week{ dnam{"set"} one{"{0}set"} other{"{0}set"} per{"{0}/set"} } year{ dnam{"ani"} one{"{0}ano"} other{"{0}ani"} per{"{0}/ano"} } } electric{ ampere{ dnam{"A"} one{"{0}A"} other{"{0}A"} } milliampere{ one{"{0}mA"} other{"{0}mA"} } ohm{ dnam{"Ω"} one{"{0}Ω"} other{"{0}Ω"} } volt{ dnam{"V"} one{"{0}V"} other{"{0}V"} } } energy{ british-thermal-unit{ dnam{"BTU"} one{"{0}BTU"} other{"{0}BTU"} } calorie{ one{"{0}cal"} other{"{0}cal"} } electronvolt{ one{"{0}eV"} other{"{0}eV"} } joule{ dnam{"J"} one{"{0}J"} other{"{0}J"} } kilocalorie{ one{"{0}kcal"} other{"{0}kcal"} } kilojoule{ one{"{0}kJ"} other{"{0}kJ"} } kilowatt-hour{ one{"{0}kWh"} other{"{0}kWh"} } therm-us{ dnam{"thm"} one{"{0}thm"} other{"{0}thm"} } } frequency{ gigahertz{ one{"{0}GHz"} other{"{0}GHz"} } hertz{ one{"{0}Hz"} other{"{0}Hz"} } kilohertz{ one{"{0}kHz"} other{"{0}kHz"} } megahertz{ one{"{0}MHz"} other{"{0}MHz"} } } graphics{ em{ one{"{0}em"} other{"{0}em"} } megapixel{ one{"{0}MP"} other{"{0}MP"} } pixel{ one{"{0}px"} other{"{0}px"} } pixel-per-centimeter{ one{"{0}ppcm"} other{"{0}ppcm"} } pixel-per-inch{ one{"{0}ppi"} other{"{0}ppi"} } } length{ astronomical-unit{ one{"{0}au"} other{"{0}au"} } centimeter{ one{"{0}cm"} other{"{0}cm"} } decimeter{ one{"{0}dm"} other{"{0}dm"} } earth-radius{ one{"{0}R⊕"} other{"{0}R⊕"} } fathom{ one{"{0}fth"} other{"{0}fth"} } foot{ one{"{0}ft"} other{"{0}ft"} } furlong{ one{"{0}fur"} other{"{0}fur"} } inch{ one{"{0}in"} other{"{0}in"} } kilometer{ one{"{0}km"} other{"{0}km"} } light-year{ one{"{0}ly"} other{"{0}ly"} } meter{ dnam{"m"} one{"{0}m"} other{"{0}m"} } micrometer{ one{"{0}μm"} other{"{0}μm"} } mile{ one{"{0}mi"} other{"{0}mi"} } mile-scandinavian{ one{"{0}smi"} other{"{0}smi"} } millimeter{ one{"{0}mm"} other{"{0}mm"} } nanometer{ one{"{0}nm"} other{"{0}nm"} } nautical-mile{ one{"{0}nmi"} other{"{0}nmi"} } parsec{ one{"{0}pc"} other{"{0}pc"} } picometer{ one{"{0}pm"} other{"{0}pm"} } point{ one{"{0}pt"} other{"{0}pt"} } solar-radius{ one{"{0}R☉"} other{"{0}R☉"} } yard{ one{"{0}yd"} other{"{0}yd"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"kt"} one{"{0}kt"} other{"{0}kt"} } dalton{ one{"{0}Da"} other{"{0}Da"} } earth-mass{ one{"{0}M⊕"} other{"{0}M⊕"} } grain{ dnam{"gr"} one{"{0}gr"} other{"{0}gr"} } gram{ dnam{"g"} one{"{0}g"} other{"{0}g"} } kilogram{ one{"{0}kg"} other{"{0}kg"} } microgram{ one{"{0}μg"} other{"{0}μg"} } milligram{ one{"{0}mg"} other{"{0}mg"} } ounce{ one{"{0}oz"} other{"{0}oz"} } ounce-troy{ one{"{0}oz t"} other{"{0}oz t"} } pound{ one{"{0}lb"} other{"{0}lb"} } solar-mass{ one{"{0}M☉"} other{"{0}M☉"} } stone{ one{"{0}st"} other{"{0}st"} } ton{ dnam{"tc"} one{"{0}tc"} other{"{0}tc"} } tonne{ one{"{0}t"} other{"{0}t"} } } power{ gigawatt{ one{"{0}GW"} other{"{0}GW"} } horsepower{ one{"{0}hp"} other{"{0}hp"} } kilowatt{ one{"{0}kW"} other{"{0}kW"} } megawatt{ one{"{0}MW"} other{"{0}MW"} } milliwatt{ one{"{0}mW"} other{"{0}mW"} } watt{ dnam{"W"} one{"{0}W"} other{"{0}W"} } } pressure{ atmosphere{ one{"{0}atm"} other{"{0}atm"} } bar{ one{"{0}bar"} other{"{0}bar"} } hectopascal{ one{"{0}hPa"} other{"{0}hPa"} } inch-ofhg{ one{"{0}inHg"} other{"{0}inHg"} } kilopascal{ one{"{0}kPa"} other{"{0}kPa"} } megapascal{ one{"{0}MPa"} other{"{0}MPa"} } millibar{ one{"{0}mbar"} other{"{0}mbar"} } millimeter-ofhg{ dnam{"mmHg"} one{"{0}mmHg"} other{"{0}mmHg"} } pascal{ one{"{0}Pa"} other{"{0}Pa"} } pound-force-per-square-inch{ one{"{0}psi"} other{"{0}psi"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ one{"{0}km/h"} other{"{0}km/h"} } knot{ one{"{0}kn"} other{"{0}kn"} } meter-per-second{ one{"{0}m/s"} other{"{0}m/s"} } mile-per-hour{ one{"{0}mi/h"} other{"{0}mi/h"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"ac⋅ft"} one{"{0}ac⋅ft"} other{"{0}ac⋅ft"} } barrel{ one{"{0}bbl"} other{"{0}bbl"} } bushel{ one{"{0}bu"} other{"{0}bu"} } centiliter{ dnam{"cl"} one{"{0}cl"} other{"{0}cl"} } cubic-centimeter{ one{"{0}cm³"} other{"{0}cm³"} } cubic-foot{ one{"{0}ft³"} other{"{0}ft³"} } cubic-inch{ one{"{0}in³"} other{"{0}in³"} } cubic-kilometer{ one{"{0}km³"} other{"{0}km³"} } cubic-meter{ one{"{0}m³"} other{"{0}m³"} } cubic-mile{ one{"{0}mi³"} other{"{0}mi³"} } cubic-yard{ one{"{0}yd³"} other{"{0}yd³"} } cup{ dnam{"cìc"} one{"{0}cìc"} other{"{0}cìc"} } cup-metric{ dnam{"cìcm"} one{"{0}cìcm"} other{"{0}cìcm"} } deciliter{ dnam{"dl"} one{"{0}dl"} other{"{0}dl"} } dessert-spoon{ dnam{"dsp"} one{"{0}dsp"} other{"{0}dsp"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ dnam{"dsp inp"} one{"{0}dsp inp"} other{"{0}dsp inp"} } dram{ dnam{"fl dr"} one{"{0}fl dr"} other{"{0}fl dr"} } drop{ dnam{"js"} one{"{0}js"} other{"{0}js"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"fl oz"} one{"{0}fl oz"} other{"{0}fl oz"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"fl oz inp"} one{"{0}fl oz inp"} other{"{0}fl oz inp"} } gallon{ dnam{"gal"} one{"{0}gal"} other{"{0}gal"} per{"{0}/gal"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"gal inp"} one{"{0}gal inp"} other{"{0}gal inp"} per{"{0}/gal inp"} } hectoliter{ dnam{"hl"} one{"{0}hl"} other{"{0}hl"} } jigger{ dnam{"mzr"} one{"{0}mzr"} other{"{0}mzr"} } liter{ dnam{"l"} one{"{0}l"} other{"{0}l"} } megaliter{ dnam{"Ml"} one{"{0}Ml"} other{"{0}Ml"} } milliliter{ dnam{"ml"} one{"{0}ml"} other{"{0}ml"} } pinch{ dnam{"sps"} one{"{0}sps"} other{"{0}sps"} } pint{ dnam{"pnt"} one{"{0}pnt"} other{"{0}pnt"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"ptm"} one{"{0}ptm"} other{"{0}ptm"} } quart{ one{"{0}qt"} other{"{0}qt"} } quart-imperial{ dnam{"qt inp"} one{"{0}qt inp"} other{"{0}qt inp"} } tablespoon{ one{"{0}tbsp"} other{"{0}tbsp"} } teaspoon{ one{"{0}tsp"} other{"{0}tsp"} } } } unitsShort{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"fg"} one{"{0} fg"} other{"{0} fg"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"ac"} } hectare{ dnam{"ha"} } } coordinate{ dnam{"ponto"} } duration{ century{ dnam{"sèg"} one{"{0} sèg"} other{"{0} sèg"} } day{ dnam{"dì"} one{"{0} dì"} other{"{0} dì"} per{"{0}/dì"} } decade{ dnam{"dezeni"} one{"{0} dezenio"} other{"{0} dezeni"} } hour{ dnam{"ore"} one{"{0} ora"} other{"{0} ore"} per{"{0}/ora"} } minute{ dnam{"men"} one{"{0} men"} other{"{0} men"} per{"{0}/men"} } month{ dnam{"mezi"} one{"{0} meze"} other{"{0} mezi"} per{"{0}/meze"} } night{ dnam{"noti"} one{"{0} note"} other{"{0} noti"} per{"{0}/note"} } quarter{ dnam{"trim"} one{"{0} trim"} other{"{0} trim"} per{"{0}/trim"} } second{ dnam{"seg"} one{"{0} seg"} other{"{0} seg"} per{"{0}/seg"} } week{ dnam{"set"} one{"{0} set"} other{"{0} set"} per{"{0}/set"} } year{ dnam{"ani"} one{"{0} ano"} other{"{0} ani"} per{"{0}/ano"} } } electric{ ampere{ dnam{"A"} } ohm{ dnam{"Ω"} } volt{ dnam{"V"} } } energy{ british-thermal-unit{ dnam{"BTU"} one{"{0} BTU"} other{"{0} BTU"} } joule{ dnam{"J"} } therm-us{ dnam{"thm"} one{"{0} thm"} other{"{0} thm"} } } length{ meter{ dnam{"m"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"kt"} one{"{0} kt"} other{"{0} kt"} } grain{ dnam{"gr"} one{"{0} gr"} other{"{0} gr"} } gram{ dnam{"g"} } ton{ dnam{"tc"} one{"{0} tc"} other{"{0} tc"} } } power{ watt{ dnam{"W"} } } pressure{ millimeter-ofhg{ dnam{"mmHg"} one{"{0} mmHg"} other{"{0} mmHg"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"ac⋅ft"} one{"{0} ac⋅ft"} other{"{0} ac⋅ft"} } centiliter{ dnam{"cl"} one{"{0} cl"} other{"{0} cl"} } cup{ dnam{"cìc"} one{"{0} cìc"} other{"{0} cìc"} } cup-metric{ dnam{"cìcm"} one{"{0} cìcm"} other{"{0} cìcm"} } deciliter{ dnam{"dl"} one{"{0} dl"} other{"{0} dl"} } dessert-spoon{ dnam{"dsp"} one{"{0} dsp"} other{"{0} dsp"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ dnam{"dsp inp"} one{"{0} dsp inp"} other{"{0} dsp inp"} } dram{ dnam{"fl dr"} one{"{0} fl dr"} other{"{0} fl dr"} } drop{ dnam{"js"} one{"{0} js"} other{"{0} js"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"fl oz"} one{"{0} fl oz"} other{"{0} fl oz"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"fl oz inp"} one{"{0} fl oz inp"} other{"{0} fl oz inp"} } gallon{ dnam{"gal"} one{"{0} gal"} other{"{0} gal"} per{"{0}/gal"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"gal inp"} one{"{0} gal inp"} other{"{0} gal inp"} per{"{0}/gal inp"} } hectoliter{ dnam{"hl"} one{"{0} hl"} other{"{0} hl"} } jigger{ dnam{"mzr"} one{"{0} mzr"} other{"{0} mzr"} } liter{ dnam{"l"} } megaliter{ dnam{"Ml"} one{"{0} Ml"} other{"{0} Ml"} } milliliter{ dnam{"ml"} one{"{0} ml"} other{"{0} ml"} } pinch{ dnam{"sps"} one{"{0} sps"} other{"{0} sps"} } pint{ dnam{"pnt"} one{"{0} pnt"} other{"{0} pnt"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"ptm"} one{"{0} ptm"} other{"{0} ptm"} } quart-imperial{ dnam{"qt inp"} one{"{0} qt inp"} other{"{0} qt inp"} } } } }