// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml ia{ durationUnits{ hm{"hh:mm"} hms{"hh:mm:ss"} ms{"mm:ss"} } units{ acceleration{ g-force{ one{"{0} fortia g"} other{"{0} fortia g"} } meter-per-square-second{ dnam{"metros per secunda quadrate"} one{"{0} metro per secunda quadrate"} other{"{0} metros per secunda quadrate"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"minutas de arco"} one{"{0} minuta de arco"} other{"{0} minutas de arco"} } arc-second{ dnam{"secundas de arco"} one{"{0} secunda de arco"} other{"{0} secundas de arco"} } degree{ dnam{"grados"} one{"{0} grado"} other{"{0} grados"} } radian{ dnam{"radianos"} one{"{0} radiano"} other{"{0} radianos"} } revolution{ dnam{"revolutiones"} one{"{0} revolution"} other{"{0} revolutiones"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"acres"} one{"{0} acre"} other{"{0} acres"} } dunam{ dnam{"dunames"} one{"{0} dunams"} other{"{0} dunams"} } hectare{ dnam{"hectares"} one{"{0} hectare"} other{"{0} hectares"} } square-centimeter{ dnam{"centimetros quadrate"} one{"{0} centimetro quadrate"} other{"{0} centimetros quadrate"} per{"{0} per centimetro quadrate"} } square-foot{ dnam{"pedes quadrate"} one{"{0} pede quadrate"} other{"{0} pedes quadrate"} } square-inch{ dnam{"pollices quadrate"} one{"{0} pollice quadrate"} other{"{0} pollices quadrate"} per{"{0} per pollice quadrate"} } square-kilometer{ dnam{"kilometros quadrate"} one{"{0} kilometro quadrate"} other{"{0} kilometros quadrate"} per{"{0} per kilometro quadrate"} } square-meter{ dnam{"metros quadrate"} one{"{0} metro quadrate"} other{"{0} metros quadrate"} per{"{0} per metro quadrate"} } square-mile{ dnam{"millias quadrate"} one{"{0} millia quadrate"} other{"{0} millias quadrate"} per{"{0} per millia quadrate"} } square-yard{ dnam{"yards quadrate"} one{"{0} yard quadrate"} other{"{0} yards quadrate"} } } compound{ 10p-1{"deci{0}"} 10p-12{"pico{0}"} 10p-2{"centi{0}"} 10p-3{"milli{0}"} 10p-6{"micro{0}"} 10p-9{"nano{0}"} 10p12{"tera{0}"} 10p15{"peta{0}"} 10p2{"hecto{0}"} 10p3{"kilo{0}"} 10p6{"mega{0}"} 10p9{"giga{0}"} per{"{0} per {1}"} power2{ one{ _{ _{"{0} quadrate"} } } other{ _{ _{"{0} quadrate"} } } } power3{ one{ _{ _{"{0} cubic"} } } other{ _{ _{"{0} cubic"} } } } } concentr{ karat{ dnam{"carates"} one{"{0} carat"} other{"{0} carates"} } milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter{ dnam{"milligrammas per decilitro"} one{"{0} milligramma per decilitro"} other{"{0} milligrammas per decilitro"} } millimole-per-liter{ dnam{"millimoles per litro"} one{"{0} millimol per litro"} other{"{0} millimoles per litro"} } percent{ dnam{"per cento"} one{"{0} per cento"} other{"{0} per cento"} } permille{ dnam{"per mille"} one{"{0} per mille"} other{"{0} per mille"} } permillion{ dnam{"partes per million"} one{"{0} parte per million"} other{"{0} partes per million"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100-kilometer{ dnam{"litros per 100 kilometros"} one{"{0} litro per 100 kilometros"} other{"{0} litros per 100 kilometros"} } liter-per-kilometer{ dnam{"litros per kilometro"} one{"{0} litro per kilometro"} other{"{0} litros per kilometro"} } mile-per-gallon{ dnam{"millias per gallon"} one{"{0} millia per gallon"} other{"{0} millias per gallon"} } mile-per-gallon-imperial{ dnam{"millias per gallon imperial"} one{"{0} millia per gallon imperial"} other{"{0} millias per gallon imperial"} } } coordinate{ dnam{"direction cardinal"} east{"{0} est"} north{"{0} nord"} south{"{0} sud"} west{"{0} west"} } digital{ bit{ dnam{"bits"} one{"{0} bit"} other{"{0} bits"} } byte{ dnam{"bytes"} one{"{0} byte"} other{"{0} bytes"} } gigabit{ dnam{"gigabits"} one{"{0} gigabit"} other{"{0} gigabits"} } gigabyte{ dnam{"gigabytes"} one{"{0} gigabyte"} other{"{0} gigabytes"} } kilobit{ dnam{"kilobits"} one{"{0} kilobit"} other{"{0} kilobits"} } kilobyte{ dnam{"kilobytes"} one{"{0} kilobyte"} other{"{0} kilobytes"} } megabit{ dnam{"megabits"} one{"{0} megabit"} other{"{0} 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dnam{"kilohertz"} one{"{0} kilohertz"} other{"{0} kilohertz"} } megahertz{ dnam{"megahertz"} one{"{0} megahertz"} other{"{0} megahertz"} } } length{ astronomical-unit{ dnam{"unitates astronomic"} one{"{0} unitate astronomic"} other{"{0} unitates astronomic"} } centimeter{ dnam{"centimetros"} one{"{0} centimetro"} other{"{0} centimetros"} per{"{0} per centimetro"} } decimeter{ dnam{"decimetros"} one{"{0} decimetro"} other{"{0} decimetros"} } foot{ dnam{"pedes"} one{"{0} pede"} other{"{0} pedes"} per{"{0} per pede"} } inch{ dnam{"pollices"} one{"{0} pollice"} other{"{0} pollices"} per{"{0} per pollice"} } kilometer{ dnam{"kilometros"} one{"{0} kilometro"} other{"{0} kilometros"} per{"{0} per kilometro"} } light-year{ dnam{"annos lumine"} one{"{0} anno lumine"} other{"{0} annos lumine"} } meter{ dnam{"metros"} one{"{0} metro"} other{"{0} metros"} per{"{0} per metro"} } micrometer{ dnam{"micrometros"} one{"{0} micrometro"} other{"{0} micrometros"} } mile{ dnam{"millias"} one{"{0} millia"} other{"{0} millias"} } mile-scandinavian{ dnam{"millias scandinave"} one{"{0} millia scandinave"} other{"{0} millias scandinave"} } millimeter{ dnam{"millimetros"} one{"{0} millimetro"} other{"{0} millimetros"} } nanometer{ dnam{"nanometros"} one{"{0} nanometro"} other{"{0} nanometros"} } nautical-mile{ dnam{"millias nautic"} one{"{0} millia nautic"} other{"{0} millias nautic"} } parsec{ dnam{"parsecs"} one{"{0} parsec"} other{"{0} parsecs"} } picometer{ dnam{"picometros"} one{"{0} picometro"} other{"{0} picometros"} } point{ dnam{"punctos"} one{"{0} puncto"} other{"{0} punctos"} } yard{ dnam{"yards"} one{"{0} yard"} other{"{0} yards"} } } light{ lux{ dnam{"lux"} one{"{0} lux"} other{"{0} lux"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"carates"} one{"{0} carat"} other{"{0} carates"} } gram{ dnam{"grammas"} one{"{0} gramma"} other{"{0} grammas"} per{"{0} per gramma"} } kilogram{ dnam{"kilogrammas"} one{"{0} kilogramma"} other{"{0} kilogrammas"} per{"{0} per kilogramma"} } microgram{ dnam{"microgrammas"} one{"{0} microgramma"} other{"{0} microgrammas"} } milligram{ dnam{"milligrammas"} one{"{0} milligramma"} other{"{0} milligrammas"} } ounce{ dnam{"uncias"} one{"{0} uncia"} other{"{0} uncias"} per{"{0} per uncia"} } ounce-troy{ dnam{"uncias troy"} one{"{0} uncia troy"} other{"{0} uncias troy"} } pound{ dnam{"libras"} one{"{0} libra"} other{"{0} libras"} per{"{0} per libra"} } ton{ dnam{"tonnas curte"} one{"{0} tonna curte"} other{"{0} tonnas curte"} } tonne{ dnam{"tonnas"} one{"{0} tonna"} other{"{0} tonnas"} } } power{ gigawatt{ dnam{"gigawatts"} one{"{0} gigawatt"} other{"{0} gigawatts"} } horsepower{ dnam{"cavallos-vapor"} one{"{0} cavallo-vapor"} other{"{0} cavallos-vapor"} } kilowatt{ dnam{"kilowatts"} one{"{0} kilowatt"} other{"{0} kilowatts"} } megawatt{ dnam{"megawatts"} one{"{0} megawatt"} other{"{0} megawatts"} } milliwatt{ dnam{"milliwatts"} one{"{0} milliwatt"} other{"{0} milliwatts"} } watt{ dnam{"watts"} one{"{0} watt"} other{"{0} watts"} } } pressure{ atmosphere{ dnam{"atmospheras"} one{"{0} atmosphera"} other{"{0} atmospheras"} } hectopascal{ dnam{"hectopascales"} one{"{0} hectopascal"} other{"{0} hectopascales"} } inch-ofhg{ dnam{"pollices de mercurio"} one{"{0} pollice de mercurio"} other{"{0} pollices de mercurio"} } millibar{ dnam{"millibares"} one{"{0} millibar"} other{"{0} millibares"} } millimeter-ofhg{ dnam{"milimetros de mercurio"} one{"{0} millimetro de mercurio"} other{"{0} millimetros de mercurio"} } pound-force-per-square-inch{ dnam{"libras-fortia per pollice quadrate"} one{"{0} libra-fortia per pollice quadrate"} other{"{0} libras-fortia per pollice quadrate"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ dnam{"kilometros per hora"} one{"{0} kilometro per hora"} other{"{0} kilometros per hora"} } knot{ dnam{"nodos"} one{"{0} nodo"} other{"{0} nodos"} } meter-per-second{ dnam{"metros per secunda"} one{"{0} metro per secunda"} other{"{0} metros per secunda"} } mile-per-hour{ dnam{"millias per hora"} one{"{0} millia per hora"} other{"{0} millias per hora"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"grados Celcius"} one{"{0} grado Celcius"} other{"{0} grados Celcius"} } fahrenheit{ dnam{"grados Fahrenheit"} one{"{0} grado Fahrenheit"} other{"{0} grados Fahrenheit"} } generic{ dnam{"grados"} one{"{0} grado"} other{"{0} grados"} } kelvin{ dnam{"kelvin"} one{"{0} kelvin"} other{"{0} kelvin"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"acre-pedes"} one{"{0} acre-pede"} other{"{0} acre-pedes"} } barrel{ dnam{"barriles"} one{"{0} barriles"} other{"{0} barriles"} } bushel{ one{"{0} bushel"} other{"{0} bushels"} } centiliter{ dnam{"centilitros"} one{"{0} centilitro"} other{"{0} centilitros"} } cubic-centimeter{ dnam{"centimetros cubic"} one{"{0} centimetro cubic"} other{"{0} centimetros cubic"} per{"{0} per centimetro cubic"} } cubic-foot{ dnam{"pedes cubic"} one{"{0} pede cubic"} other{"{0} pedes cubic"} } cubic-inch{ dnam{"inches cubic"} one{"{0} inch cubic"} other{"{0} inches cubic"} } cubic-kilometer{ dnam{"kilometros cubic"} one{"{0} kilometro cubic"} other{"{0} kilometros cubic"} } cubic-meter{ dnam{"metros cubic"} one{"{0} metro cubic"} other{"{0} metros cubic"} per{"{0} per metro cubic"} } cubic-mile{ dnam{"millias cubic"} one{"{0} millia cubic"} other{"{0} millias cubic"} } cubic-yard{ dnam{"yards cubic"} one{"{0} yard cubic"} other{"{0} yards cubic"} } cup{ dnam{"tassas"} one{"{0} tassa"} other{"{0} tassas"} } cup-metric{ dnam{"tassas metric"} one{"{0} tassa metric"} other{"{0} tassas metric"} } deciliter{ dnam{"decilitros"} one{"{0} decilitro"} other{"{0} decilitros"} } dessert-spoon{ dnam{"coclearatas a dessert"} one{"{0} coclearata a dessert"} other{"{0} coclearatas a dessert"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ dnam{"coclearatas a dessert imperial"} one{"{0} coclearata a dessert imperial"} other{"{0} coclearatas a dessert imperial"} } dram{ dnam{"drachmas liquide"} one{"{0} drachma liquide"} other{"{0} drachmas liquide"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"uncias liquide"} one{"{0} uncia liquide"} other{"{0} uncias liquide"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"uncias liquide imperial"} one{"{0} uncia liquide imperial"} other{"{0} uncias liquide imperial"} } gallon{ dnam{"gallones"} one{"{0} gallon"} other{"{0} gallones"} per{"{0} per gallon"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"gallones imp."} one{"{0} gallon imp."} other{"{0} gallones imp."} per{"{0} per gallon imp."} } hectoliter{ dnam{"hectolitros"} one{"{0} hectolitro"} other{"{0} hectolitros"} } liter{ one{"{0} litro"} other{"{0} litros"} per{"{0} per litro"} } megaliter{ dnam{"megalitros"} one{"{0} megalitro"} other{"{0} megalitros"} } milliliter{ dnam{"millilitros"} one{"{0} millilitro"} other{"{0} millilitros"} } pinch{ dnam{"pinciatas"} one{"{0} pinciata"} other{"{0} pinciatas"} } pint{ one{"{0} pinta"} other{"{0} pintas"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"pintas metric"} one{"{0} pinta metric"} other{"{0} pintas metric"} } quart{ dnam{"quartos"} one{"{0} quarto"} other{"{0} quartos"} } quart-imperial{ dnam{"Quartos imperial"} one{"{0} quarto imperial"} other{"{0} quartos imperial"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"coclearatas a suppa"} one{"{0} coclearata a suppa"} other{"{0} coclearatas a suppa"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"coclearatas a the"} one{"{0} coclearata a the"} other{"{0} coclearatas a the"} } } } unitsNarrow{ coordinate{ dnam{"dir."} east{"{0}E"} north{"{0}N"} south{"{0}S"} west{"{0}W"} } duration{ day{ dnam{"die"} one{"{0}d"} other{"{0}d"} } hour{ dnam{"hora"} one{"{0}h"} other{"{0}h"} } microsecond{ one{"{0} μs"} other{"{0}μs"} } millisecond{ one{"{0}ms"} other{"{0}ms"} } minute{ one{"{0}m"} other{"{0}m"} } month{ dnam{"mense"} one{"{0}m"} other{"{0}m"} } second{ dnam{"s"} one{"{0}s"} other{"{0}s"} } week{ dnam{"sept."} one{"{0}sept"} other{"{0}sept"} } year{ dnam{"an"} one{"{0}an"} other{"{0}an"} } } length{ centimeter{ one{"{0}cm"} other{"{0}cm"} } kilometer{ one{"{0}km"} other{"{0}km"} } meter{ one{"{0}m"} other{"{0}m"} } millimeter{ one{"{0}mm"} other{"{0}mm"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ one{"{0}acpd"} other{"{0}acpd"} } barrel{ dnam{"bbl"} one{"{0}bbl"} other{"{0}bbl"} } bushel{ dnam{"bushel"} one{"{0}bu"} other{"{0}bu"} } centiliter{ one{"{0}cl"} other{"{0}cl"} } cubic-centimeter{ one{"{0}cm³"} other{"{0}cm³"} } cubic-foot{ one{"{0}pd³"} other{"{0}pd³"} } cubic-inch{ one{"{0}in³"} other{"{0}in³"} } cubic-kilometer{ one{"{0}km³"} other{"{0}km³"} } cubic-meter{ one{"{0}m³"} other{"{0}m³"} } cubic-mile{ one{"{0}mi³"} other{"{0}mi³"} } cubic-yard{ one{"{0}yd³"} other{"{0}yd³"} } cup{ one{"{0}t"} other{"{0}t"} } cup-metric{ one{"{0}tm"} other{"{0}tm"} } deciliter{ one{"{0}dl"} other{"{0}dl"} } dessert-spoon{ dnam{"c. a dessert"} one{"{0}CaD"} other{"{0}CaD"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ dnam{"c. a dsrt imp."} one{"{0}CaDi"} other{"{0}CaDi"} } dram{ dnam{"dr.liq."} one{"{0}drliq"} other{"{0}drliq"} } drop{ dnam{"gutta"} one{"{0}gt"} other{"{0}gt"} } fluid-ounce{ one{"{0}ozliq"} other{"{0}ozliq"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"oz liq imp"} one{"{0}ozli"} other{"{0}ozli"} } gallon{ one{"{0}gal"} other{"{0}gal"} } gallon-imperial{ one{"{0}galim"} other{"{0}galim"} per{"{0}/galim"} } hectoliter{ one{"{0}hl"} other{"{0}hl"} } jigger{ one{"{0}jigger"} other{"{0}jigger"} } megaliter{ one{"{0}Ml"} other{"{0}Ml"} } milliliter{ one{"{0}ml"} other{"{0}ml"} } pinch{ dnam{"pn"} one{"{0}pn"} other{"{0}pn"} } pint{ one{"{0}pt"} other{"{0}pt"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"pt"} one{"{0}pt"} other{"{0}pt"} } quart{ one{"{0}qt"} other{"{0}qt"} } quart-imperial{ dnam{"qt imp"} one{"{0}qt imp"} other{"{0}qt imp"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"c. a suppa"} one{"{0}CaS"} other{"{0}CaS"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"c. a the"} one{"{0}CaT"} other{"{0}CaT"} } } } unitsShort{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"fortia g"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"′"} } arc-second{ dnam{"″"} } degree{ dnam{"°"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"ac"} } dunam{ dnam{"dunames"} one{"{0} dunams"} other{"{0} dunams"} } hectare{ dnam{"ha"} } } consumption{ mile-per-gallon{ dnam{"mi/gal"} one{"{0} mi/gal"} other{"{0} mi/gal"} } mile-per-gallon-imperial{ dnam{"mi/gal imp."} one{"{0} mi/gal imp."} other{"{0} mi/gal imp."} } } coordinate{ east{"{0} E"} north{"{0} N"} south{"{0} S"} west{"{0} W"} } digital{ bit{ dnam{"b"} one{"{0} b"} other{"{0} b"} } byte{ dnam{"B"} } } duration{ century{ dnam{"scl"} one{"{0} scl"} other{"{0} scl"} } day{ dnam{"dies"} one{"{0} die"} other{"{0} dies"} } hour{ dnam{"horas"} one{"{0} hr"} other{"{0} hr"} } millisecond{ dnam{"millisec"} } month{ dnam{"menses"} one{"{0} mense"} other{"{0} menses"} } second{ one{"{0} sec"} other{"{0} sec"} } week{ dnam{"septimanas"} one{"{0} sept"} other{"{0} sept"} per{"{0}/sept"} } year{ dnam{"annos"} one{"{0} an"} other{"{0} an"} per{"{0}/an"} } } electric{ ampere{ dnam{"A"} } ohm{ dnam{"Ω"} } volt{ dnam{"V"} } } energy{ joule{ dnam{"J"} } } length{ astronomical-unit{ dnam{"ua"} one{"{0} ua"} other{"{0} ua"} } light-year{ dnam{"al"} one{"{0} al"} other{"{0} al"} } meter{ dnam{"m"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"ct"} one{"{0} ct"} other{"{0} ct"} } gram{ dnam{"g"} } } power{ horsepower{ dnam{"cv"} one{"{0} cv"} other{"{0} cv"} } watt{ dnam{"W"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"acre pd"} one{"{0} ac pd"} other{"{0} ac pd"} } barrel{ dnam{"barril"} } bushel{ dnam{"bushels"} } centiliter{ dnam{"cl"} one{"{0} cl"} other{"{0} cl"} } cubic-foot{ dnam{"pd³"} one{"{0} pd³"} other{"{0} pd³"} } cup{ dnam{"tas"} one{"{0} tas"} other{"{0} tas"} } cup-metric{ dnam{"tasm"} one{"{0} tasm"} other{"{0} tasm"} } deciliter{ dnam{"dl"} one{"{0} dl"} other{"{0} dl"} } dessert-spoon{ dnam{"cocl. a dessert"} one{"{0} cocl. a dessert"} other{"{0} cocl. a dessert"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ dnam{"cocl. a dessert imp."} one{"{0} cocl. a dessert imp."} other{"{0} cocl. a dessert imp."} } dram{ dnam{"drachma liq."} one{"{0} dr liq"} other{"{0} dr liq"} } drop{ dnam{"guttas"} one{"{0} gutta"} other{"{0} guttas"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"oz liq"} one{"{0} oz liq"} other{"{0} oz liq"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"oz liq imp."} one{"{0} oz liq imp."} other{"{0} oz liq imp."} } gallon{ dnam{"gal"} one{"{0} gal"} other{"{0} gal"} per{"{0}/gal"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"gal imp"} one{"{0} gal imp"} other{"{0} gal imp"} per{"{0}/gal imp"} } hectoliter{ dnam{"hl"} one{"{0} hl"} other{"{0} hl"} } liter{ dnam{"litros"} } megaliter{ dnam{"Ml"} one{"{0} Ml"} other{"{0} Ml"} } milliliter{ dnam{"ml"} one{"{0} ml"} other{"{0} ml"} } pinch{ dnam{"pinciata"} one{"{0} pn"} other{"{0} pn"} } pint{ dnam{"pintas"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"ptm"} one{"{0} ptm"} other{"{0} ptm"} } quart-imperial{ dnam{"Quarto imp."} one{"{0} quarto imp"} other{"{0} quartos imp"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"cocl. a suppa"} one{"{0} c. a suppa"} other{"{0} c. a suppa"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"cocl. a the"} one{"{0} cocl. a the"} other{"{0} cocl. a the"} } } } }