// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml gd{ units{ acceleration{ g-force{ few{"{0} forsan-g"} one{"{0} fhorsa-g"} other{"{0} forsa-g"} two{"{0} fhorsa-g"} } meter-per-square-second{ dnam{"meatair san diog cheàrnagach"} few{"{0} meatairean san diog cheàrnagach"} one{"{0} mheatair san diog cheàrnagach"} other{"{0} meatair san diog cheàrnagach"} two{"{0} mheatair san diog cheàrnagach"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"àrc-mhionaid"} few{"{0} àrc-mhionaidean"} one{"{0} àrc-mhionaid"} other{"{0} àrc-mhionaid"} two{"{0} àrc-mhionaid"} } arc-second{ few{"{0} àrc-dhiogan"} one{"{0} àrc-dhiog"} other{"{0} àrc-dhiog"} two{"{0} àrc-dhiog"} } degree{ few{"{0} ceuman"} one{"{0} cheum"} other{"{0} ceum"} two{"{0} cheum"} } radian{ few{"{0} rèideanan"} one{"{0} rèidean"} other{"{0} rèidean"} two{"{0} rèidean"} } } area{ acre{ few{"{0} acraichean"} one{"{0} acair"} other{"{0} acair"} two{"{0} acair"} } hectare{ few{"{0} heactairean"} one{"{0} heactair"} other{"{0} heactair"} two{"{0} heactair"} } square-centimeter{ dnam{"ceudameatair ceàrnagach"} few{"{0} ceudameatairean ceàrnagach"} one{"{0} cheudameatair ceàrnagach"} other{"{0} ceudameatair ceàrnagach"} per{"{0} sa cheudameatair cheàrnagach"} two{"{0} cheudameatair ceàrnagach"} } square-foot{ dnam{"troigh cheàrnagach"} few{"{0} troighean ceàrnagach"} one{"{0} troigh cheàrnagach"} other{"{0} troigh cheàrnagach"} two{"{0} throigh cheàrnagach"} } square-inch{ dnam{"òirleach cheàrnagach"} few{"{0} òirlich cheàrnagach"} one{"{0} òirleach cheàrnagach"} other{"{0} òirleach cheàrnagach"} per{"{0} san òirleach cheàrnagach"} two{"{0} òirleach cheàrnagach"} } square-kilometer{ dnam{"cilemeatair ceàrnagach"} few{"{0} cilemeatairean ceàrnagach"} one{"{0} chilemeatair ceàrnagach"} other{"{0} cilemeatair ceàrnagach"} per{"{0} sa chilemeatair cheàrnagach"} two{"{0} chilemeatair ceàrnagach"} } square-meter{ dnam{"meatair ceàrnagach"} few{"{0} meatairean ceàrnagach"} one{"{0} mheatair ceàrnagach"} other{"{0} meatair ceàrnagach"} per{"{0} sa mheatair cheàrnagach"} two{"{0} mheatair ceàrnagach"} } square-mile{ dnam{"mìle cheàrnagach"} few{"{0} mìltean ceàrnagach"} one{"{0} mhìle cheàrnagach"} other{"{0} mìle cheàrnagach"} per{"{0} sa mhìle cheàrnagach"} two{"{0} mhìle cheàrnagach"} } square-yard{ dnam{"slat cheàrnagach"} few{"{0} slatan ceàrnagach"} one{"{0} shlat cheàrnagach"} other{"{0} slat cheàrnagach"} two{"{0} shlat cheàrnagach"} } } compound{ 1024p1{"kibi-{0}"} 1024p2{"mebi-{0}"} 1024p3{"gibi-{0}"} 1024p4{"tebi-{0}"} 1024p5{"pebi-{0}"} 1024p6{"exbi-{0}"} 1024p7{"zebi-{0}"} 1024p8{"yobe-{0}"} 10p-1{"deicheamh-{0}"} 10p-12{"piceo-{0}"} 10p-15{"femto-{0}"} 10p-18{"atto-{0}"} 10p-2{"ceuda{0}"} 10p-21{"zepto-{0}"} 10p-24{"yocto-{0}"} 10p-27{"ronto{0}"} 10p-3{"mili{0}"} 10p-30{"quecto{0}"} 10p-6{"micreo-{0}"} 10p-9{"nano-{0}"} 10p1{"deaca-{0}"} 10p12{"tera-{0}"} 10p15{"peta-{0}"} 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milimòl san liotair"} two{"{0} mhilimòl san liotair"} } mole{ few{"{0} mòlaichean"} one{"{0} mhòl"} other{"{0} mòl"} two{"{0} mhòl"} } percent{ few{"{0} sa cheud"} one{"{0} sa cheud"} other{"{0} sa cheud"} two{"{0} sa cheud"} } permille{ few{"{0} sa mhìle"} one{"{0} sa mhìle"} other{"{0} sa mhìle"} two{"{0} sa mhìle"} } permillion{ dnam{"pàirt sa mhillean"} few{"{0} pàirtean sa mhillean"} one{"{0} phàirt sa mhillean"} other{"{0} pàirt sa mhillean"} two{"{0} phàirt sa mhillean"} } permyriad{ few{"{0} sna deich mìltean"} one{"{0} sna deich mìltean"} other{"{0} sna deich mìltean"} two{"{0} sna deich mìltean"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100-kilometer{ dnam{"liotair sa 100 chilemeatair"} few{"{0} liotairean sa 100 chilemeatair"} one{"{0} liotair sa 100 chilemeatair"} other{"{0} liotair sa 100 chilemeatair"} two{"{0} liotair sa 100 chilemeatair"} } liter-per-kilometer{ dnam{"liotair sa chilemeatair"} few{"{0} liotairean sa chilemeatair"} one{"{0} liotair sa chilemeatair"} other{"{0} liotair sa chilemeatair"} two{"{0} liotair sa chilemeatair"} } mile-per-gallon{ dnam{"mìle sa ghalan"} few{"{0} mìltean sa ghalan"} one{"{0} mhìle sa ghalan"} other{"{0} mìle sa ghalan"} two{"{0} mhìle sa ghalan"} } mile-per-gallon-imperial{ dnam{"mìle sa ghalan ìmpireil"} few{"{0} mìltean sa ghalan ìmpireil"} one{"{0} mhìle sa ghalan ìmpireil"} other{"{0} mìle sa ghalan ìmpireil"} two{"{0} mhìle sa ghalan ìmpireil"} } } coordinate{ dnam{"comhair combaist"} } digital{ bit{ few{"{0} biodan"} one{"{0} bhiod"} other{"{0} biod"} two{"{0} bhiod"} } byte{ few{"{0} baidhtean"} one{"{0} bhaidht"} other{"{0} baidht"} two{"{0} bhaidht"} } gigabit{ dnam{"giga-biod"} few{"{0} giga-biodan"} one{"{0} ghiga-biod"} other{"{0} giga-biod"} two{"{0} ghiga-biod"} } gigabyte{ dnam{"giga-baidht"} few{"{0} giga-baidhtean"} one{"{0} ghiga-baidht"} other{"{0} giga-baidht"} two{"{0} ghiga-baidht"} } kilobit{ dnam{"cilebiod"} few{"{0} cilebiodan"} one{"{0} chilebiod"} other{"{0} cilebiod"} two{"{0} chilebiod"} } kilobyte{ dnam{"cileabaidht"} few{"{0} cileabaidhtean"} one{"{0} chileabaidht"} other{"{0} cileabaidht"} two{"{0} chileabaidht"} } megabit{ dnam{"meaga-biod"} few{"{0} meaga-biodan"} one{"{0} mheaga-biod"} other{"{0} meaga-biod"} two{"{0} mheaga-biod"} } megabyte{ dnam{"meaga-baidht"} few{"{0} meaga-baidhtean"} one{"{0} mheaga-baidht"} other{"{0} meaga-baidht"} two{"{0} mheaga-baidht"} } petabyte{ dnam{"peta-baidht"} few{"{0} peta-baidhtean"} one{"{0} pheta-baidht"} other{"{0} peta-baidht"} two{"{0} pheta-baidht"} } terabit{ dnam{"tera-biod"} few{"{0} tera-biodan"} one{"{0} tera-biod"} other{"{0} tera-biod"} two{"{0} thera-biod"} } terabyte{ dnam{"tera-baidht"} few{"{0} tera-baidhtean"} one{"{0} tera-baidht"} other{"{0} tera-baidht"} two{"{0} thera-baidht"} } } duration{ century{ dnam{"linn"} few{"{0} linntean"} one{"{0} linn"} other{"{0} linn"} two{"{0} linn"} } day{ few{"{0} làithean"} one{"{0} latha"} other{"{0} latha"} per{"{0} san latha"} two{"{0} latha"} } decade{ dnam{"deichead"} few{"{0} deicheadan"} one{"{0} deichead"} other{"{0} deichead"} two{"{0} dheichead"} } hour{ dnam{"uair a thìde"} few{"{0} uairean a thìde"} one{"{0} uair a thìde"} other{"{0} uair a thìde"} per{"{0} san uair"} two{"{0} uair a thìde"} } microsecond{ dnam{"micreo-diog"} few{"{0} micreo-diogan"} one{"{0} mhicreo-diog"} other{"{0} micreo-diog"} two{"{0} mhicreo-diog"} } millisecond{ few{"{0} mili-diogan"} one{"{0} mhili-diog"} other{"{0} mili-diog"} two{"{0} mhili-diog"} } minute{ dnam{"mionaid"} few{"{0} mionaidean"} one{"{0} mhionaid"} other{"{0} mionaid"} per{"{0} sa mhionaid"} two{"{0} mhionaid"} } month{ few{"{0} mìosan"} one{"{0} mhìos"} other{"{0} mìos"} per{"{0} sa mhìos"} two{"{0} mhìos"} } nanosecond{ few{"{0} nano-diogan"} one{"{0} nano-diog"} other{"{0} nano-diog"} two{"{0} nano-diog"} } night{ dnam{"oidhche"} few{"{0} oidhcheannan"} one{"{0} oidhche"} other{"{0} oidhche"} per{"{0}/oidhche"} two{"{0} oidhche"} } quarter{ dnam{"cairteal"} few{"{0} cairtealan"} one{"{0} chairteal"} other{"{0} cairteal"} two{"{0} chairteal"} } second{ few{"{0} diogan"} one{"{0} diog"} other{"{0} diog"} per{"{0} san diog"} two{"{0} dhiog"} } week{ dnam{"seachdain"} few{"{0} seachdainean"} one{"{0} seachdain"} other{"{0} seachdain"} per{"{0} san t-seachdain"} two{"{0} sheachdain"} } year{ few{"{0} bliadhnaichean"} one{"{0} bhliadhna"} other{"{0} bliadhna"} per{"{0} sa bhliadhna"} two{"{0} bhliadhna"} } } electric{ ampere{ dnam{"ampère"} few{"{0} ampère"} one{"{0} ampère"} other{"{0} ampère"} two{"{0} ampère"} } milliampere{ dnam{"mille-ampère"} few{"{0} mille-ampère"} one{"{0} mhille-ampère"} other{"{0} mille-ampère"} two{"{0} mhille-ampère"} } ohm{ few{"{0} ohm"} one{"{0} ohm"} other{"{0} ohm"} two{"{0} ohm"} } volt{ few{"{0} volt"} one{"{0} volt"} other{"{0} volt"} two{"{0} volt"} } } energy{ british-thermal-unit{ few{"{0} aonadan-teasa Breatannach"} one{"{0} aonad-teasa Breatannach"} other{"{0} aonad-teasa Breatannach"} two{"{0} aonad-teasa Breatannach"} } calorie{ dnam{"calaraidh"} few{"{0} calaraidhean"} one{"{0} chalaraidh"} other{"{0} calaraidh"} two{"{0} chalaraidh"} } electronvolt{ few{"{0} voltaichean-eleactroin"} one{"{0} volt-eleactroin"} other{"{0} volt-eleactroin"} two{"{0} volt-eleactroin"} } foodcalorie{ dnam{"calaraidh bidhe"} few{"{0} calaraidhean bidhe"} one{"{0} chalaraidh bidhe"} other{"{0} calaraidh bidhe"} two{"{0} chalaraidh bidhe"} } joule{ few{"{0} joule"} one{"{0} joule"} other{"{0} joule"} two{"{0} joule"} } kilocalorie{ dnam{"cileacalaraidh"} few{"{0} cileacalaraidhean"} one{"{0} chileacalaraidh"} other{"{0} cileacalaraidh"} two{"{0} chileacalaraidh"} } kilojoule{ few{"{0} cilea-joule"} one{"{0} chilea-joule"} other{"{0} cilea-joule"} two{"{0} chilea-joule"} } kilowatt-hour{ dnam{"cilea-watt-uair"} few{"{0} cilea-watt-uair"} one{"{0} chilea-watt-uair"} other{"{0} cilea-watt-uair"} two{"{0} chilea-watt-uair"} } therm-us{ few{"{0} aonadan-teasa nan SA"} one{"{0} aonad-teasa nan SA"} other{"{0} aonad-teasa nan SA"} two{"{0} aonad-teasa nan SA"} } } force{ kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer{ dnam{"cilea-watt-uair sa cheud chilemeatair"} few{"{0} cilea-watt-uairean sa cheud chilemeatair"} one{"{0} chilea-watt-uair sa cheud chilemeatair"} other{"{0} cilea-watt-uair sa cheud chilemeatair"} two{"{0} chilea-watt-uair sa cheud chilemeatair"} } newton{ few{"{0} newtonaichean"} one{"{0} newton"} other{"{0} newton"} two{"{0} newton"} } pound-force{ dnam{"punnd de dh’fhorsa"} few{"{0} puinnd de dh’fhorsa"} one{"{0} phunnd de dh’fhorsa"} other{"{0} punnd de dh’fhorsa"} two{"{0} phunnd de dh’fhorsa"} } } frequency{ gigahertz{ dnam{"giga-hertz"} few{"{0} giga-hertz"} one{"{0} ghiga-hertz"} other{"{0} giga-hertz"} two{"{0} ghiga-hertz"} } hertz{ dnam{"hertz"} few{"{0} hertz"} one{"{0} hertz"} other{"{0} hertz"} two{"{0} hertz"} } kilohertz{ dnam{"cile-hertz"} few{"{0} cile-hertz"} one{"{0} chile-hertz"} other{"{0} cile-hertz"} two{"{0} chile-hertz"} } megahertz{ dnam{"meaga-hertz"} few{"{0} meaga-hertz"} one{"{0} mheaga-hertz"} other{"{0} meaga-hertz"} two{"{0} mheaga-hertz"} } } graphics{ dot{ few{"{0} dotagan"} one{"{0} dotag"} other{"{0} dotag"} two{"{0} dhotag"} } dot-per-centimeter{ dnam{"dotag sa cheudameatair"} few{"{0} dotagan sa cheudameatair"} one{"{0} dotag sa cheudameatair"} other{"{0} dotag sa cheudameatair"} two{"{0} dhotag sa cheudameatair"} } dot-per-inch{ dnam{"dotag san òirleach"} few{"{0} dotagan san òirleach"} one{"{0} dotag san òirleach"} other{"{0} dotag san òirleach"} two{"{0} dhotag san òirleach"} } em{ dnam{"em chlò-ghrafach"} } megapixel{ few{"{0} meaga-piogsailean"} one{"{0} mheaga-piogsail"} other{"{0} meaga-piogsail"} two{"{0} mheaga-piogsail"} } pixel{ few{"{0} piogsailean"} one{"{0} phiogsail"} other{"{0} piogsail"} two{"{0} phiogsail"} } pixel-per-centimeter{ dnam{"piogsail sa cheudameatair"} few{"{0} piogsailean sa cheudameatair"} one{"{0} phiogsail sa cheudameatair"} other{"{0} piogsail sa cheudameatair"} two{"{0} phiogsail sa cheudameatair"} } pixel-per-inch{ 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Lochlannach"} few{"{0} mìltean Lochlannach"} one{"{0} mhìle Lochlannach"} other{"{0} mìle Lochlannach"} two{"{0} mhìle Lochlannach"} } millimeter{ dnam{"mili-meatair"} few{"{0} mili-meatairean"} one{"{0} mhili-meatair"} other{"{0} mili-meatair"} two{"{0} mhili-meatair"} } nanometer{ dnam{"nano-meatair"} few{"{0} nano-meatairean"} one{"{0} nano-meatair"} other{"{0} nano-meatair"} two{"{0} nano-meatair"} } nautical-mile{ dnam{"mìle mara"} few{"{0} mìltean mara"} one{"{0} mhìle mara"} other{"{0} mìle mara"} two{"{0} mhìle mara"} } parsec{ few{"{0} parsec"} one{"{0} pharsec"} other{"{0} parsec"} two{"{0} pharsec"} } picometer{ dnam{"piceo-meatair"} few{"{0} piceo-meatairean"} one{"{0} phiceo-meatair"} other{"{0} piceo-meatair"} two{"{0} phiceo-meatair"} } point{ few{"{0} puingean"} one{"{0} phuing"} other{"{0} puing"} two{"{0} phuing"} } solar-radius{ few{"{0} rèideasan-grèine"} one{"{0} rèideas-grèine"} other{"{0} rèideas-grèine"} two{"{0} rèideas-grèine"} } yard{ few{"{0} slatan"} one{"{0} slat"} other{"{0} slat"} two{"{0} shlat"} } } light{ candela{ few{"{0} candela"} one{"{0} chandela"} other{"{0} candela"} two{"{0} chandela"} } lumen{ few{"{0} lumen"} one{"{0} lumen"} other{"{0} lumen"} two{"{0} lumen"} } lux{ few{"{0} lux"} one{"{0} lux"} other{"{0} lux"} two{"{0} lux"} } solar-luminosity{ few{"{0} boillsgeachdan-grèine"} one{"{0} bhoillsgeachd-ghrèine"} other{"{0} boillsgeachd-ghrèine"} two{"{0} bhoillsgeachd-ghrèine"} } } mass{ carat{ few{"{0} carataichean"} one{"{0} charat"} other{"{0} carat"} two{"{0} charat"} } dalton{ few{"{0} daltonaichean"} one{"{0} dalton"} other{"{0} dalton"} two{"{0} dhalton"} } earth-mass{ few{"{0} tomadan-talmhainn"} one{"{0} tomad-talmhainn"} other{"{0} tomad-talmhainn"} two{"{0} thomad-talmhainn"} } grain{ few{"{0} gràinnean"} one{"{0} ghràinne"} other{"{0} gràinne"} two{"{0} gràinne"} } gram{ few{"{0} gramaichean"} one{"{0} ghram"} other{"{0} gram"} per{"{0} sa ghram"} two{"{0} ghram"} } kilogram{ dnam{"cileagram"} few{"{0} cileagramaichean"} one{"{0} chileagram"} other{"{0} cileagram"} per{"{0} sa chileagram"} two{"{0} chileagram"} } microgram{ dnam{"micreo-gram"} few{"{0} micreo-gramaichean"} one{"{0} mhicreo-gram"} other{"{0} micreo-gram"} two{"{0} mhicreo-gram"} } milligram{ dnam{"miligram"} few{"{0} miligramaichean"} one{"{0} mhiligram"} other{"{0} miligram"} two{"{0} mhiligram"} } ounce{ few{"{0} unnsachan"} one{"{0} unnsa"} other{"{0} unnsa"} per{"{0} san unnsa"} two{"{0} unnsa"} } ounce-troy{ few{"{0} unnsachan tròidh"} one{"{0} unnsa tròidh"} other{"{0} unnsa tròidh"} two{"{0} unnsa tròidh"} } pound{ few{"{0} puinnd"} one{"{0} phunnd"} other{"{0} punnd"} per{"{0} sa phunnd"} two{"{0} phunnd"} } solar-mass{ few{"{0} tomadan-grèine"} one{"{0} tomad-grèine"} other{"{0} tomad-grèine"} two{"{0} thomad-grèine"} } stone{ few{"{0} clachan"} one{"{0} chlach"} other{"{0} clach"} two{"{0} chlach"} } ton{ few{"{0} tunnaichean"} one{"{0} tunna"} other{"{0} tunna"} two{"{0} thunna"} } tonne{ dnam{"tunna meatrach"} few{"{0} tunnaichean meatrach"} one{"{0} tunna meatrach"} other{"{0} tunna meatrach"} two{"{0} thunna meatrach"} } } power{ gigawatt{ dnam{"giga-watt"} few{"{0} giga-watt"} one{"{0} ghiga-watt"} other{"{0} giga-watt"} two{"{0} ghiga-watt"} } horsepower{ dnam{"cumhachd-eich"} few{"{0} cumhachdan-eich"} one{"{0} chumhachd-eich"} other{"{0} cumhachd-eich"} two{"{0} chumhachd-eich"} } kilowatt{ dnam{"cilea-watt"} few{"{0} cilea-watt"} one{"{0} chilea-watt"} other{"{0} cilea-watt"} two{"{0} chilea-watt"} } megawatt{ dnam{"meaga-watt"} few{"{0} meaga-watt"} one{"{0} mheaga-watt"} other{"{0} meaga-watt"} two{"{0} mheaga-watt"} } milliwatt{ dnam{"mili-watt"} few{"{0} mili-watt"} one{"{0} mhili-watt"} other{"{0} mili-watt"} two{"{0} mhili-watt"} } watt{ few{"{0} watt"} one{"{0} watt"} other{"{0} watt"} two{"{0} watt"} } } pressure{ atmosphere{ dnam{"brùthadh-àile"} few{"{0} brùthadh-àile"} one{"{0} bhrùthadh-àile"} other{"{0} brùthadh-àile"} two{"{0} bhrùthadh-àile"} } bar{ few{"{0} bàraichean"} one{"{0} bhar"} other{"{0} bàr"} two{"{0} bhàr"} } hectopascal{ dnam{"heacta-pascal"} few{"{0} heacta-pascal"} one{"{0} heacta-pascal"} other{"{0} heacta-pascal"} two{"{0} heacta-pascal"} } inch-ofhg{ dnam{"òirleach de dh’airgead-beò"} few{"{0} òirlich de dh’airgead-beò"} one{"{0} òirleach de dh’airgead-beò"} other{"{0} òirleach de dh’airgead-beò"} two{"{0} òirleach de dh’airgead-beò"} } kilopascal{ dnam{"cileapascal"} few{"{0} cileapascal"} one{"{0} chileapascal"} other{"{0} cileapascal"} two{"{0} chileapascal"} } megapascal{ dnam{"meaga-pascal"} few{"{0} meaga-pascal"} one{"{0} mheaga-pascal"} other{"{0} meaga-pascal"} two{"{0} mheaga-pascal"} } millibar{ dnam{"milibàr"} few{"{0} milibàraichean"} one{"{0} mhilibàr"} other{"{0} milibàr"} two{"{0} mhilibàr"} } millimeter-ofhg{ dnam{"milimeatair de dh’airgead-beò"} few{"{0} milimeatairean de dh’airgead-beò"} one{"{0} mhilimeatair de dh’airgead-beò"} other{"{0} milimeatair de dh’airgead-beò"} two{"{0} mhilimeatair de dh’airgead-beò"} } pascal{ dnam{"pascal"} few{"{0} pascal"} one{"{0} phascal"} other{"{0} pascal"} two{"{0} phascal"} } pound-force-per-square-inch{ dnam{"punnd san òirleach cheàrnagach"} few{"{0} puinnd san òirleach cheàrnagach"} one{"{0} phunnd san òirleach cheàrnagach"} other{"{0} punnd san òirleach cheàrnagach"} two{"{0} phunnd san òirleach cheàrnagach"} } } speed{ beaufort{ dnam{"Beaufort"} few{"Beaufort {0}"} one{"Beaufort {0}"} other{"Beaufort {0}"} two{"Beaufort {0}"} } kilometer-per-hour{ dnam{"cilemeatair san uair"} few{"{0} cilemeatairean san uair"} one{"{0} chilemeatair san uair"} other{"{0} cilemeatair san uair"} two{"{0} chilemeatair san uair"} } knot{ dnam{"mìle mara san uair"} few{"{0} mìltean mara san uair"} one{"{0} mhìle mara san uair"} other{"{0} mìle mara san uair"} two{"{0} mhìle mara san uair"} } light-speed{ dnam{"solas"} few{"{0} solasan"} one{"{0} sholas"} other{"{0} solas"} two{"{0} sholas"} } meter-per-second{ dnam{"meatair san diog"} few{"{0} meatairean san diog"} one{"{0} mheatair san diog"} other{"{0} meatair san diog"} two{"{0} mheatair san diog"} } mile-per-hour{ dnam{"mìle san uair"} few{"{0} mìltean san uair"} one{"{0} mhìle san uair"} other{"{0} mìle san uair"} two{"{0} mhìle san uair"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"ceum Celsius"} few{"{0} ceuman Celsius"} one{"{0} cheum Celsius"} other{"{0} ceum Celsius"} two{"{0} cheum Celsius"} } fahrenheit{ dnam{"ceum Fahrenheit"} few{"{0} ceuman Fahrenheit"} one{"{0} cheum Fahrenheit"} other{"{0} ceum Fahrenheit"} two{"{0} cheum Fahrenheit"} } kelvin{ dnam{"ceum Kelvin"} few{"{0} ceuman Kelvin"} one{"{0} cheum Kelvin"} other{"{0} ceum Kelvin"} two{"{0} cheum Kelvin"} } } torque{ newton-meter{ dnam{"newton-mheatair"} few{"{0} newton-mheatairean"} one{"{0} newton-mheatair"} other{"{0} newton-mheatair"} two{"{0} newton-mheatair"} } pound-force-foot{ dnam{"troigh-phuinnd"} few{"{0} troighean-puinnd"} one{"{0} troigh-phuinnd"} other{"{0} troigh-phuinnd"} two{"{0} throigh-phuinnd"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ few{"{0} acair-throighean"} one{"{0} acair-throigh"} other{"{0} acair-throigh"} two{"{0} acair-throigh"} } barrel{ few{"{0} baraillean"} one{"{0} bharaill"} other{"{0} baraill"} two{"{0} bharaill"} } bushel{ few{"{0} buisealan"} one{"{0} bhuiseal"} other{"{0} buiseal"} two{"{0} bhuiseal"} } centiliter{ dnam{"ceudailiotair"} few{"{0} ceudailiotairean"} one{"{0} cheudailiotair"} other{"{0} ceudailiotair"} two{"{0} cheudailiotair"} } cubic-centimeter{ dnam{"ceudameatair ciùbach"} few{"{0} ceudameatairean ciùbach"} one{"{0} cheudameatair ciùbach"} other{"{0} ceudameatair ciùbach"} per{"{0} sa cheudameatair chiùbach"} two{"{0} cheudameatair ciùbach"} } cubic-foot{ dnam{"troigh chiùbach"} few{"{0} troighean ciùbach"} one{"{0} troigh chiùbach"} other{"{0} troigh chiùbach"} two{"{0} throigh chiùbach"} } cubic-inch{ dnam{"òirleach chiùbach"} few{"{0} òirlich chiùbach"} one{"{0} òirleach chiùbach"} other{"{0} òirleach chiùbach"} two{"{0} òirleach chiùbach"} } cubic-kilometer{ dnam{"cilemeatair ciùbach"} few{"{0} cilemeatairean ciùbach"} one{"{0} chilemeatair ciùbach"} other{"{0} cilemeatair ciùbach"} two{"{0} chilemeatair ciùbach"} } cubic-meter{ dnam{"meatair ciùbach"} few{"{0} meatairean ciùbach"} one{"{0} mheatair ciùbach"} other{"{0} meatair ciùbach"} per{"{0} sa mheatair chiùbach"} two{"{0} mheatair ciùbach"} } cubic-mile{ dnam{"mìle chiùbach"} few{"{0} mìltean ciùbach"} one{"{0} mhìle chiùbach"} other{"{0} mìle chiùbach"} two{"{0} mhìle chiùbach"} } cubic-yard{ dnam{"slat chiùbach"} few{"{0} slatan ciùbach"} one{"{0} slat chiùbach"} other{"{0} slat chiùbach"} two{"{0} shlat chiùbach"} } cup{ few{"{0} cupannan"} one{"{0} chupa"} other{"{0} cupa"} two{"{0} chupa"} } cup-metric{ dnam{"cupa meatrach"} few{"{0} cupannan meatrach"} one{"{0} chupa meatrach"} other{"{0} cupa meatrach"} two{"{0} chupa meatrach"} } deciliter{ dnam{"deicheamh-liotair"} few{"{0} deicheamh-liotairean"} one{"{0} deicheamh-liotair"} other{"{0} deicheamh-liotair"} two{"{0} dheicheamh-liotair"} } dessert-spoon{ dnam{"spàin-mhìlsein"} few{"{0} spàinean-mìlsein"} one{"{0} spàin-mhìlsein"} other{"{0} spàin-mhìlsein"} two{"{0} spàin-mhìlsein"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ dnam{"spàin-mhìlsein ìmpireil"} few{"{0} spàinean-mìlsein ìmpireil"} one{"{0} spàin-mhìlsein ìmpireil"} other{"{0} spàin-mhìlsein ìmpireil"} two{"{0} spàin-mhìlsein ìmpireil"} } dram{ few{"{0} dramaichean"} one{"{0} drama"} other{"{0} drama"} two{"{0} dhrama"} } drop{ few{"{0} boinnean"} one{"{0} bhoinne"} other{"{0} boinne"} two{"{0} bhoinne"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"unnsa-dighe"} few{"{0} unnsachan-dighe"} one{"{0} unnsa-dighe"} other{"{0} unnsa-dighe"} two{"{0} unnsa-dighe"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"unnsa-dighe ìmpireil"} few{"{0} unnsachan-dighe ìmpireil"} one{"{0} unnsa-dighe ìmpireil"} other{"{0} unnsa-dighe ìmpireil"} two{"{0} unnsa-dighe ìmpireil"} } gallon{ dnam{"galan"} few{"{0} galanan"} one{"{0} ghalan"} other{"{0} galan"} per{"{0} sa ghalan"} two{"{0} ghalan"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"galan ìmpireil"} few{"{0} galanan ìmpireil"} one{"{0} ghalan ìmpireil"} other{"{0} galan ìmpireil"} per{"{0} sa ghalan ìmpireil"} two{"{0} ghalan ìmpireil"} } hectoliter{ dnam{"heacta-liotair"} few{"{0} heacta-liotairean"} one{"{0} heacta-liotair"} other{"{0} heacta-liotair"} two{"{0} heacta-liotair"} } jigger{ few{"{0} sigirean"} one{"{0} sigire"} other{"{0} sigire"} two{"{0} sigire"} } liter{ few{"{0} liotairean"} one{"{0} liotair"} other{"{0} liotair"} per{"{0} san liotair"} two{"{0} liotair"} } megaliter{ dnam{"meaga-liotair"} few{"{0} meaga-liotairean"} one{"{0} mheaga-liotair"} other{"{0} meaga-liotair"} two{"{0} mheaga-liotair"} } milliliter{ dnam{"mililiotair"} few{"{0} mililiotairean"} one{"{0} mhililiotair"} other{"{0} mililiotair"} two{"{0} mhililiotair"} } pinch{ few{"{0} crudhagain"} one{"{0} chrudhagan"} other{"{0} crudhagan"} two{"{0} chrudhagan"} } pint{ few{"{0} pinntean"} one{"{0} phinnt"} other{"{0} pinnt"} two{"{0} phinnt"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"pinnt 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milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter{ few{"{0}mg/dL"} one{"{0}mg/dL"} other{"{0}mg/dL"} two{"{0}mg/dL"} } millimole-per-liter{ few{"{0}mmòl/L"} one{"{0}mmòl/L"} other{"{0}mmòl/L"} two{"{0}mmòl/L"} } mole{ few{"{0}mòl"} one{"{0}mòl"} other{"{0}mòl"} two{"{0}mòl"} } percent{ dnam{"%"} } permille{ dnam{"‰"} } permillion{ few{"{0}ppm"} one{"{0}ppm"} other{"{0}ppm"} two{"{0}ppm"} } permyriad{ dnam{"‱"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100-kilometer{ few{"{0}L/100km"} one{"{0}L/100km"} other{"{0}L/100km"} two{"{0}L/100km"} } liter-per-kilometer{ dnam{"L/km"} few{"{0}L/km"} one{"{0}L/km"} other{"{0}L/km"} two{"{0}L/km"} } mile-per-gallon{ dnam{"mì/g"} few{"{0}mì/g"} one{"{0}mì/g"} other{"{0}mì/g"} two{"{0}mì/g"} } mile-per-gallon-imperial{ dnam{"mìle/gal RA"} few{"{0}m/gRA"} one{"{0}m/gRA"} other{"{0}m/gRA"} two{"{0}m/gRA"} } } digital{ bit{ few{"{0}b"} one{"{0}b"} other{"{0}b"} two{"{0}b"} } byte{ few{"{0}B"} one{"{0}B"} other{"{0}B"} two{"{0}B"} } gigabit{ few{"{0}Gb"} one{"{0}Gb"} other{"{0}Gb"} two{"{0}Gb"} } gigabyte{ few{"{0}GB"} one{"{0}GB"} other{"{0}GB"} two{"{0}GB"} } kilobit{ few{"{0}kb"} one{"{0}kb"} other{"{0}kb"} two{"{0}kb"} } kilobyte{ few{"{0}kB"} one{"{0}kB"} other{"{0}kB"} two{"{0}kB"} } megabit{ few{"{0}Mb"} one{"{0}Mb"} other{"{0}Mb"} two{"{0}Mb"} } megabyte{ few{"{0}MB"} one{"{0}MB"} other{"{0}MB"} two{"{0}MB"} } petabyte{ few{"{0}PB"} one{"{0}PB"} other{"{0}PB"} two{"{0}PB"} } terabit{ few{"{0}Tb"} one{"{0}Tb"} other{"{0}Tb"} two{"{0}Tb"} } terabyte{ few{"{0}TB"} one{"{0}TB"} other{"{0}TB"} two{"{0}TB"} } } duration{ century{ few{"{0}li"} one{"{0}li"} other{"{0}li"} two{"{0}li"} } day{ dnam{"là"} few{"{0}là"} one{"{0}là"} other{"{0}là"} two{"{0}là"} } decade{ few{"{0}deich"} one{"{0}deich"} other{"{0}deich"} two{"{0}dheich"} } hour{ few{"{0}u"} one{"{0}u"} other{"{0}u"} per{"{0}/u"} two{"{0}u"} } microsecond{ dnam{"μs"} few{"{0}μs"} one{"{0}μs"} other{"{0}μs"} two{"{0}μs"} } millisecond{ dnam{"ms"} few{"{0}ms"} one{"{0}ms"} other{"{0}ms"} two{"{0}ms"} } minute{ few{"{0}m"} one{"{0}m"} other{"{0}m"} two{"{0}m"} } month{ few{"{0}m"} one{"{0}m"} other{"{0}m"} two{"{0}m"} } nanosecond{ dnam{"ns"} few{"{0}ns"} one{"{0}ns"} other{"{0}ns"} two{"{0}ns"} } night{ dnam{"oidhche"} few{"{0}oidh."} one{"{0}oidh."} other{"{0}oidh."} per{"{0}/oidh."} two{"{0}oidh."} } quarter{ dnam{"c"} few{"{0}c"} one{"{0}c"} other{"{0}c"} two{"{0}c"} } second{ few{"{0}d"} one{"{0}d"} other{"{0}d"} two{"{0}d"} } week{ dnam{"s"} few{"{0}s"} one{"{0}s"} other{"{0}s"} per{"{0}/s"} two{"{0}s"} } year{ dnam{"blia"} few{"{0}bl"} one{"{0}bl"} other{"{0}bl"} two{"{0}bl"} } } electric{ ampere{ few{"{0}A"} one{"{0}A"} other{"{0}A"} two{"{0}A"} } milliampere{ dnam{"mA"} few{"{0}mA"} one{"{0}mA"} other{"{0}mA"} two{"{0}mA"} } ohm{ few{"{0}Ω"} one{"{0}Ω"} other{"{0}Ω"} two{"{0}Ω"} } volt{ few{"{0}V"} one{"{0}V"} other{"{0}V"} two{"{0}V"} } } energy{ british-thermal-unit{ dnam{"Btu"} few{"{0}Btu"} one{"{0}Btu"} other{"{0}Btu"} two{"{0}Btu"} } calorie{ few{"{0}cal"} one{"{0}cal"} other{"{0}cal"} two{"{0}cal"} } electronvolt{ dnam{"eV"} few{"{0}eV"} one{"{0}eV"} other{"{0}eV"} two{"{0}eV"} } foodcalorie{ few{"{0}Cal"} one{"{0}Cal"} other{"{0}Cal"} two{"{0}Cal"} } joule{ few{"{0}J"} one{"{0}J"} other{"{0}J"} two{"{0}J"} } kilocalorie{ few{"{0}kcal"} one{"{0}kcal"} other{"{0}kcal"} two{"{0}kcal"} } kilojoule{ dnam{"kJ"} few{"{0}kJ"} one{"{0}kJ"} other{"{0}kJ"} two{"{0}kJ"} } kilowatt-hour{ dnam{"kWh"} few{"{0}kWh"} one{"{0}kWh"} other{"{0}kWh"} two{"{0}kWh"} } therm-us{ dnam{"US therm"} few{"{0}US therm"} one{"{0}US therm"} other{"{0}US therm"} two{"{0}US therm"} } } force{ kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer{ few{"{0}kWh/100km"} one{"{0}kWh/100km"} other{"{0}kWh/100km"} two{"{0}kWh/100km"} } newton{ dnam{"N"} few{"{0}N"} one{"{0}N"} other{"{0}N"} two{"{0}N"} } pound-force{ dnam{"lbf"} few{"{0}lbf"} one{"{0}lbf"} other{"{0}lbf"} two{"{0}lbf"} } } frequency{ gigahertz{ few{"{0}GHz"} one{"{0}GHz"} other{"{0}GHz"} two{"{0}GHz"} } hertz{ few{"{0}Hz"} one{"{0}Hz"} 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other{"{0}pt"} two{"{0}pt"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"pt"} few{"{0}mpt"} one{"{0}mpt"} other{"{0}mpt"} two{"{0}mpt"} } quart{ few{"{0}càrt"} one{"{0}càrt"} other{"{0}càrt"} two{"{0}càrt"} } quart-imperial{ few{"{0}càrt ì."} one{"{0}chàrt ì."} other{"{0}càrt ì."} two{"{0}chàrt ì."} } tablespoon{ dnam{"sp"} few{"{0}sp"} one{"{0}sp"} other{"{0}sp"} two{"{0}sp"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"sp-t"} few{"{0}sp-t"} one{"{0}sp-t"} other{"{0}sp-t"} two{"{0}sp-t"} } } } unitsShort{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"forsa-g"} } meter-per-square-second{ dnam{"meatair/diog²"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"àrc-mhion."} } arc-second{ dnam{"àrc-dhiog"} } degree{ dnam{"ceum"} } radian{ dnam{"rèidean"} } revolution{ dnam{"cuairt"} few{"{0} cuairtean"} one{"{0} chuairt"} other{"{0} cuairt"} two{"{0} chuairt"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"acair"} } dunam{ dnam{"dönüm"} few{"{0} dönüm"} one{"{0} dönüm"} other{"{0} dönüm"} two{"{0} dhönüm"} } hectare{ dnam{"heactair"} } square-foot{ dnam{"troigh²"} few{"{0} troigh²"} one{"{0} troigh²"} other{"{0} troigh²"} two{"{0} throigh²"} } square-inch{ dnam{"òirl²"} few{"{0} òirl²"} one{"{0} òirl²"} other{"{0} òirl²"} per{"{0}/òirl²"} two{"{0} òirl²"} } square-meter{ dnam{"meatair²"} } square-mile{ dnam{"mìle²"} few{"{0} mì²"} one{"{0} mì²"} other{"{0} mì²"} per{"{0}/mì²"} two{"{0} mì²"} } square-yard{ dnam{"slat²"} few{"{0} slat²"} one{"{0} shlat²"} other{"{0} slat²"} two{"{0} shlat²"} } } concentr{ item{ dnam{"nì"} few{"{0} nith"} one{"{0} nì"} other{"{0} nì"} two{"{0} nì"} } karat{ dnam{"karat"} } millimole-per-liter{ dnam{"mmòl/L"} few{"{0} mmòl/L"} one{"{0} mmòl/L"} other{"{0} mmòl/L"} two{"{0} mmòl/L"} } mole{ dnam{"mòl"} few{"{0} mòl"} one{"{0} mòl"} other{"{0} mòl"} two{"{0} mòl"} } percent{ dnam{"sa cheud"} } permille{ dnam{"sa mhìle"} } permyriad{ dnam{"sna deich mìltean"} } } consumption{ liter-per-kilometer{ dnam{"liotair/km"} } mile-per-gallon{ dnam{"mìle/gal"} few{"{0} mì/g"} one{"{0} mì/g"} other{"{0} mì/g"} two{"{0} mì/g"} } mile-per-gallon-imperial{ dnam{"mìle/gal ìmp."} few{"{0} mì/gal ìmp."} one{"{0} mhì/gal ìmp."} other{"{0} mì/gal ìmp."} two{"{0} mhì/gal ìmp."} } } coordinate{ dnam{"comhair"} north{"{0}T"} south{"{0}D"} west{"{0}I"} } digital{ bit{ dnam{"biod"} few{"{0} b"} one{"{0} b"} other{"{0} b"} two{"{0} b"} } byte{ dnam{"baidht"} few{"{0} B"} one{"{0} B"} other{"{0} B"} two{"{0} B"} } } duration{ century{ dnam{"li"} few{"{0} li"} one{"{0} li"} other{"{0} li"} two{"{0} li"} } day{ dnam{"latha"} few{"{0} là"} one{"{0} là"} other{"{0} là"} per{"{0}/là"} two{"{0} là"} } decade{ dnam{"deich"} few{"{0} deich"} one{"{0} deich"} other{"{0} deich"} two{"{0} dheich"} } hour{ dnam{"uair"} few{"{0} uair"} one{"{0} uair"} other{"{0} uair"} per{"{0}/uair"} two{"{0} uair"} } microsecond{ dnam{"μ-diog"} } millisecond{ dnam{"mili-diog"} } minute{ dnam{"mion"} few{"{0} mion"} one{"{0} mhion"} other{"{0} mion"} per{"{0}/mion"} two{"{0} mhion"} } month{ dnam{"mìos"} few{"{0} mìos"} one{"{0} mhìos"} other{"{0} mìos"} two{"{0} mhìos"} } nanosecond{ dnam{"nano-diog"} } night{ dnam{"oidhche"} few{"{0} oidhche."} one{"{0} oidhche"} other{"{0} oidhche"} per{"{0}/oidhche"} two{"{0} oidhche"} } quarter{ dnam{"cairt."} few{"{0} cairt."} one{"{0} chairt."} other{"{0} cairt."} per{"{0}/c"} two{"{0} chairt."} } second{ dnam{"diog"} few{"{0} diog"} one{"{0} diog"} other{"{0} diog"} per{"{0}/d"} two{"{0} dhiog"} } week{ dnam{"seachd"} few{"{0} sn"} one{"{0} shn"} other{"{0} sn"} per{"{0}/sn"} two{"{0} shn"} } year{ dnam{"bliadhna"} few{"{0} blia"} one{"{0} bhlia"} other{"{0} blia"} per{"{0}/bl"} two{"{0} bhlia"} } } electric{ milliampere{ dnam{"mille-amp"} } } energy{ british-thermal-unit{ dnam{"aonad-teasa Breatannach"} } electronvolt{ dnam{"volt-eleactroin"} } foodcalorie{ dnam{"Cal"} few{"{0} Cal"} one{"{0} Cal"} other{"{0} Cal"} two{"{0} Cal"} } kilojoule{ dnam{"cilea-joule"} } kilowatt-hour{ dnam{"kW-uair"} } therm-us{ dnam{"aonad-teasa nan SA"} } } force{ newton{ dnam{"newton"} } pound-force{ dnam{"punnd-fhorsa"} } } 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dnam{"slat"} few{"{0} slat"} one{"{0} slat"} other{"{0} slat"} two{"{0} shlat"} } } light{ candela{ dnam{"candela"} } lumen{ dnam{"lumen"} } lux{ dnam{"lux"} } solar-luminosity{ dnam{"boillsgeachd-ghrèine"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"carat"} } dalton{ dnam{"dalton"} } earth-mass{ dnam{"tomad-talmhainn"} } grain{ dnam{"gràinne"} few{"{0} gràinne"} one{"{0} ghràinne"} other{"{0} gràinne"} two{"{0} ghràinne"} } ounce{ dnam{"unnsa"} few{"{0} unnsa"} one{"{0} unnsa"} other{"{0} unnsa"} two{"{0} unnsa"} } ounce-troy{ dnam{"unnsa tròidh"} } pound{ dnam{"punnd"} } solar-mass{ dnam{"tomad-grèine"} } stone{ dnam{"clach"} few{"{0} clach"} one{"{0} chlach"} other{"{0} clach"} two{"{0} chlach"} } ton{ dnam{"tunna"} } } pressure{ atmosphere{ dnam{"àile"} few{"{0} àile"} one{"{0} àile"} other{"{0} àile"} two{"{0} àile"} } bar{ dnam{"bàr"} few{"{0} bàr"} one{"{0} bhàr"} other{"{0} bàr"} two{"{0} bhàr"} } inch-ofhg{ dnam{"in Hg"} } millibar{ dnam{"mbàr"} few{"{0} mbàr"} one{"{0} mbàr"} other{"{0} mbàr"} two{"{0} mbàr"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ dnam{"km/uair"} } light-speed{ dnam{"solas"} few{"{0} solasan"} one{"{0} sholas"} other{"{0} solas"} two{"{0} sholas"} } meter-per-second{ dnam{"meatair/diog"} } mile-per-hour{ dnam{"mìle/uair"} few{"{0} mì/h"} one{"{0} mì/h"} other{"{0} mì/h"} two{"{0} mì/h"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"ceum C"} } fahrenheit{ dnam{"ceum F"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"acair-throigh"} } barrel{ dnam{"baraill"} } bushel{ dnam{"buiseal"} } centiliter{ dnam{"c-liotair"} } cubic-foot{ dnam{"troigh³"} few{"{0} troigh³"} one{"{0} troigh³"} other{"{0} troigh³"} two{"{0} throigh³"} } cubic-inch{ dnam{"òirl³"} few{"{0} òirl³"} one{"{0} òirl³"} other{"{0} òirl³"} two{"{0} òirl³"} } cubic-mile{ dnam{"mì³"} few{"{0} mì³"} one{"{0} mì³"} other{"{0} mì³"} two{"{0} mì³"} } cubic-yard{ dnam{"slat³"} few{"{0} slat³"} one{"{0} slat³"} other{"{0} slat³"} two{"{0} shlat³"} } cup{ dnam{"cupa"} } dessert-spoon{ dnam{"spàin-mhìl"} few{"{0} spàin-mìl"} one{"{0} spàin-mhìl"} other{"{0} spàin-mhìl"} two{"{0} spàin-mhìl"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ dnam{"spàin-mhìl ìmp."} few{"{0} spàin-mìl ìmp."} one{"{0} spàin-mhìl ìmp."} other{"{0} spàin-mhìl ìmp."} two{"{0} spàin-mhìl ìmp."} } dram{ dnam{"drama"} few{"{0} drama"} one{"{0} drama"} other{"{0} drama"} two{"{0} dhrama"} } drop{ dnam{"boinne"} few{"{0} boinne"} one{"{0} bhoinne"} other{"{0} boinne"} two{"{0} bhoinne"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"fl oz"} few{"{0} fl oz"} one{"{0} fl oz"} other{"{0} fl oz"} two{"{0} fl oz"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"fl oz ìmp."} few{"{0} fl oz ìmp."} one{"{0} fl oz ìmp."} other{"{0} fl oz ìmp."} two{"{0} fl oz ìmp."} } gallon{ dnam{"gal"} few{"{0} gal"} one{"{0} gal"} other{"{0} gal"} per{"{0}/gal"} two{"{0} gal"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"gal ìmp."} few{"{0} gal ìmp."} one{"{0} ghal ìmp."} other{"{0} gal ìmp."} per{"{0}/gal ìmp."} two{"{0} ghal ìmp."} } jigger{ dnam{"sigire"} few{"{0} sigire"} one{"{0} sigire"} other{"{0} sigire"} two{"{0} sigire"} } liter{ dnam{"liotair"} few{"{0} L"} one{"{0} L"} other{"{0} L"} per{"{0}/L"} two{"{0} L"} } pinch{ dnam{"crudhagan"} few{"{0} crudhag"} one{"{0} chrudhag"} other{"{0} crudhag"} two{"{0} chrudhag"} } pint{ dnam{"pinnt"} } quart{ dnam{"càrt"} few{"{0} càrt"} one{"{0} chàrt"} other{"{0} càrt"} two{"{0} chàrt"} } quart-imperial{ dnam{"càrt ìmp."} few{"{0} càrt ìmp."} one{"{0} chàrt ìmp."} other{"{0} càrt ìmp."} two{"{0} chàrt ìmp."} } tablespoon{ dnam{"spàin"} few{"{0} spàin"} one{"{0} spàin"} other{"{0} spàin"} two{"{0} spàin"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"spàin-t"} few{"{0} sp-t"} one{"{0} sp-t"} other{"{0} sp-t"} two{"{0} sp-t"} } } } }