// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml am{ units{ acceleration{ g-force{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ጂ-ኃይል"} other{"{0} ጂ-ኃይል"} } } one{"{0} ጂ-ኃይል"} other{"{0} ጂ-ኃይል"} } } angle{ degree{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ዲግሪ"} other{"{0} ዲግሪ"} } } one{"{0} ዲግሪ"} other{"{0} ዲግሪ"} } radian{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ራዲያን"} other{"{0} ራዲያኖች"} } } dnam{"ራዲ"} one{"{0} ራዲ"} other{"{0} ራዲ"} } revolution{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኡደት"} other{"{0} ኡደቶች"} } } dnam{"ኡደት"} one{"{0} ኡደት"} other{"{0} ኡደት"} } } area{ dunam{ dnam{"ጋሻ"} } square-kilometer{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ካሬ ኪሎሜትር"} other{"{0} ካሬ ኪሎሜትር"} } } one{"{0} ካሬ ኪሎሜትር"} other{"{0} ካሬ ኪሎሜትር"} } square-meter{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ካሬ ሜትር"} other{"{0} ካሬ ሜትር"} } } one{"{0} ካሬ ሜትር"} other{"{0} ካሬ ሜትር"} } square-yard{ dnam{"ስኴር ያርድ"} one{"{0} ስኴር ያርድ"} other{"{0} ስኴር ያርድ"} } } compound{ 1024p8{"ዮቢ {0}"} 10p-1{"ደሲ{0}"} 10p-12{"ፒኮ{0}"} 10p-15{"ፌምቶ{0}"} 10p-18{"አቶ{0}"} 10p-2{"ሴንቲ{0}"} 10p-21{"ዜብቶ{0}"} 10p-24{"ዮክቶ{0}"} 10p-3{"ሚሊ{0}"} 10p-6{"ማይክሮ{0}"} 10p-9{"ናኖ{0}"} 10p1{"ዴካ{0}"} 10p18{"ኤክሳ {0}"} 10p2{"ሄክቶ{0}"} 10p21{"ዜታ {0}"} 10p24{"ዮታ {0}"} 10p27{"ሮና {0}"} 10p3{"ኪሎ{0}"} 10p6{"ሜጋ{0}"} 10p9{"ጊጋ{0}"} per{"{0} በ{1}"} power2{ one{ _{ _{"ስኩየር {0}"} } } other{ _{ _{"ስኩየር {0}"} } } } power3{ one{ _{ _{"ኪዩቢክ {0}"} } } other{ _{ _{"ኪዩቢክ {0}"} } } } } concentr{ item{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ንጥል"} other{"{0} ንጥሎች"} } } dnam{"ንጥሎች"} one{"{0} ንጥል"} other{"{0} ንጥሎች"} } milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter{ dnam{"ሚሊ ግራም በ ዴሲ ሊትር"} } mole{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} mole"} other{"{0} moles"} } } one{"{0} mol"} other{"{0} mol"} } percent{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ፐርሰንት"} other{"{0} ፐርሰንት"} } } one{"{0} ፐርሰንት"} other{"{0} ፐርሰንት"} } permille{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} በማይል"} other{"{0}‰"} } } one{"{0} በማይል"} other{"{0}‰"} } permillion{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ክፍል በየሚሊዮን"} other{"{0} ክፍል በየሚሊዮን"} } } one{"{0} ppm"} other{"{0} ppm"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100-kilometer{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሊትር በ100 ኪሎሜትሮች"} other{"{0} ሊትሮች በ100 ኪሎሜትሮች"} } } dnam{"ሊትሮች በ100 ኪሎሜትሮች"} one{"{0} ሊትር በ100 ኪሎሜትሮች"} other{"{0} ሊትሮች በ100 ኪሎሜትሮች"} } } coordinate{ dnam{"ዓቢይ አቅጣጫ"} } digital{ petabyte{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ፔታ ባይት"} other{"{0} ፔታ ባይቶች"} } } dnam{"ፔታ ባይት"} one{"{0} ፔታ ባይት"} other{"{0} ፔታ ባይቶች"} } terabit{ dnam{"ቴራባይትስ"} } } duration{ decade{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ዓሠርተ-ዓመት"} other{"{0} ዓሠርተ-ዓመታት"} } } one{"{0} ዓሠርተ-ዓመት"} other{"{0} ዓሠርተ-ዓመታት"} } hour{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሰዓት"} other{"{0} ሰዓቶች"} } } one{"{0} ሰዓት"} other{"{0} ሰዓቶች"} } microsecond{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ማይክሮሰከንድ"} other{"{0} ማይክሮሰከንድ"} } } one{"{0} ማይክሮሰከንድ"} other{"{0} ማይክሮሰከንድ"} } millisecond{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሚሊሰከንድ"} other{"{0} ሚሊሰከንድ"} } } one{"{0} ሚሊሰከንድ"} other{"{0} ሚሊሰከንድ"} } minute{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ደቂቃ"} other{"{0} ደቂቃዎች"} } } one{"{0} ደቂቃ"} other{"{0} ደቂቃዎች"} } month{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ወር"} other{"{0} ወራት"} } } one{"{0} ወር"} other{"{0} ወራት"} } night{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0}/ለሊት"} other{"{0}/ለሊት"} } } dnam{"ለሊት"} one{"{0}/ለሊት"} other{"{0}/ለሊት"} per{"{0}/ለሊት"} } quarter{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሩ"} other{"{0} ሩ"} } } dnam{"ሩቦች"} one{"{0} ሩ"} other{"{0} ሩ"} } second{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሰከንድ"} other{"{0} ሰከንዶች"} } } one{"{0} ሰከንድ"} other{"{0} ሰከንዶች"} } } electric{ ampere{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} አምፒር"} other{"{0} አምፒሮች"} } } dnam{"አምፒር"} one{"{0} አምፒር"} other{"{0} አምፒር"} } ohm{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ohm"} other{"{0} ohms"} } } one{"{0} Ω"} other{"{0} Ω"} } volt{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ቮልት"} other{"{0} ቮልቶች"} } } dnam{"ቮልት"} one{"{0} ቮልት"} other{"{0} ቮልት"} } } energy{ joule{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ጁልስ"} other{"{0} ጁልስ"} } } dnam{"ጁልስ"} one{"{0} ጁልስ"} other{"{0} ጁልስ"} } kilocalorie{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኪሎ ካሎሪ"} other{"{0} ኪሎ ካሎሪ"} } } dnam{"ኪሎ ካሎሪ"} one{"{0} ኪሎ ካሎሪ"} other{"{0} ኪሎ ካሎሪ"} } kilojoule{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኪጁ"} other{"{0} ኪጁ"} } } dnam{"ኪጁ"} one{"{0} ኪጁ"} other{"{0} ኪጁ"} } } force{ kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኪሎዋት-ሰዓት በየ 100 ኪሎሜትሮች"} other{"{0} ኪሎዋት-ሰዓታት በየ 100 ኪሎሜትሮች"} } } dnam{"ኪሎዋት-ሰዓት በየ 100 ኪሎሜትሮች"} one{"{0} ኪሎዋት-ሰዓት በየ 100 ኪሎሜትሮች"} other{"{0} ኪሎዋት-ሰዓታት በየ 100 ኪሎሜትሮች"} } newton{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኒውተን"} other{"{0} ኒውተኖች"} } } one{"{0} ኒ"} other{"{0} ኒ"} } } frequency{ gigahertz{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ጊጋኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ጊጋኸርዝ"} } } dnam{"ጊጋኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ጊጋኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ጊጋኸርዝ"} } hertz{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ኸርዝ"} } } dnam{"ኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ኸርዝ"} } kilohertz{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኪሎኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ኪሎኸርዝ"} } } dnam{"ኪሎኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ኪሎኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ኪሎኸርዝ"} } megahertz{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሜጋኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ሜጋኸርዝ"} } } dnam{"ሜጋኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ሜጋኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ሜጋኸርዝ"} } } graphics{ em{ dnam{"ታይፖግራፊክ em"} } } length{ centimeter{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሴንቲሜትር"} other{"{0} ሴንቲሜትር"} } } one{"{0} ሴንቲሜትር"} other{"{0} ሴንቲሜትር"} } decimeter{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ዴሲ ሜትር"} other{"{0} ዴሲ ሜትር"} } } dnam{"ዴሲ ሜትር"} one{"{0} ዴሲ ሜትር"} other{"{0} ዴሲ ሜትር"} } fathom{ one{"{0} ተዳክሞ"} other{"{0} ተዳክሞዎች"} } kilometer{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኪሎሜትር"} other{"{0} ኪሎሜትር"} } } one{"{0} ኪሎሜትር"} other{"{0} ኪሎሜትር"} } light-year{ one{"{0} የብርሃን ዓመት"} other{"{0} የብርሃን ዓመት"} } meter{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሜትር"} other{"{0} ሜትር"} } } one{"{0} ሜትር"} other{"{0} ሜትር"} } micrometer{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ማይክሮ ሜትር"} other{"{0} ማይክሮ ሜትር"} } } dnam{"ማይክሮ ሜትር"} one{"{0} ማይክሮ ሜትር"} other{"{0} ማይክሮ ሜትር"} } millimeter{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሚሊሜትር"} other{"{0} ሚሊሜትር"} } } one{"{0} ሚሊሜትር"} other{"{0} ሚሊሜትር"} } nanometer{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ናኖ ሜትር"} other{"{0} ናኖ ሜትር"} } } dnam{"ናኖ ሜትር"} one{"{0} ናኖ ሜትር"} other{"{0} ናኖ ሜትር"} } picometer{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ፒኮሜትር"} other{"{0} ፒኮሜትር"} } } one{"{0} ፒኮሜትር"} other{"{0} ፒኮሜትር"} } solar-radius{ one{"{0} ሶላር ዳዲየስ"} other{"{0} ሶላር ራዲ"} } } light{ lux{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} lux"} other{"{0} lux"} } } one{"{0} lx"} other{"{0} lx"} } } mass{ carat{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ካራት"} other{"{0} ካራቶች"} } } dnam{"ካራቶች"} one{"{0} ካራት"} other{"{0} CD"} } dalton{ dnam{"ዳልተንስ"} one{"{0} ዳልተንስ"} other{"{0} ዳልተንስ"} } earth-mass{ one{"{0} ኤርዝማስስ"} other{"{0} ኤርዝማስስ"} } gram{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ግራም"} other{"{0} ግራም"} } } one{"{0} ግራም"} other{"{0} ግራም"} } kilogram{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኪሎግራም"} other{"{0} ኪሎግራም"} } } one{"{0} ኪሎግራም"} other{"{0} ኪሎግራም"} } microgram{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ማይክሮ ግራም"} other{"{0} ማይክሮ ግራም"} } } dnam{"ማግ"} one{"{0} ማግ"} other{"{0} ማግ"} } milligram{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሚግ"} other{"{0} ሚግ"} } } dnam{"ሚግ"} one{"{0} ሚግ"} other{"{0} ሚግ"} } solar-mass{ one{"{0} ሶላር ማስስ"} other{"{0} ሶላር ማስስ"} } tonne{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሜትሪክ ቶን"} other{"{0} ሜትሪክ ቶኖች"} } } one{"{0} ሜትሪክ ቶን"} other{"{0} ሜትሪክ ቶኖች"} } } power{ gigawatt{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ጊዋ"} other{"{0} ጊዋ"} } } dnam{"ጊጋ ዋት"} one{"{0} ጊዋ"} other{"{0} ጊዋ"} } horsepower{ one{"{0} የፈረስ ጉልበት"} other{"{0} የፈረስ ጉልበት"} } kilowatt{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኪሎዋት"} other{"{0} ኪሎዋት"} } } one{"{0} ኪሎዋት"} other{"{0} ኪሎዋት"} } megawatt{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሜዋ"} other{"{0} ሜዋ"} } } dnam{"ሜጋ ዋት"} one{"{0} ሜዋ"} other{"{0} ሜዋ"} } milliwatt{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሚዋ"} other{"{0} ሚዋ"} } } dnam{"ሚሊ ዋት"} one{"{0} ሚዋ"} other{"{0} ሚዋ"} } watt{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ዋት"} other{"{0} ዋት"} } } one{"{0} ዋት"} other{"{0} ዋት"} } } pressure{ inch-ofhg{ one{"{0} ኢንች ሜርኩሪ"} other{"{0} ኢንች ሜርኩሪ"} } megapascal{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሜጋፓስካል"} other{"{0} ሜጋፓስካሎች"} } } one{"{0} ሜጋፓስካል"} other{"{0} ሜጋፓስካሎች"} } millibar{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሚሊባር"} other{"{0} ሚሊባር"} } } one{"{0} ሚሊባር"} other{"{0} ሚሊባር"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኪሎሜትር በሰዓት"} other{"{0} ኪሎሜትር በሰዓት"} } } one{"{0} ኪሎሜትር በሰዓት"} other{"{0} ኪሎሜትር በሰዓት"} } light-speed{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ብርሃን"} other{"{0} ብርሃን"} } } dnam{"ብርሃን"} one{"{0} ብርሃን"} other{"{0} ብርሃን"} } meter-per-second{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሜትር በሰከንድ"} other{"{0} ሜትር በሰከንድ"} } } one{"{0} ሜትር በሰከንድ"} other{"{0} ሜትር በሰከንድ"} } mile-per-hour{ one{"{0} ማይል በሰዓት"} other{"{0} ማይል በሰዓት"} } } temperature{ celsius{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ዲግሪ ሴልሺየስ"} other{"{0} ዲግሪ ሴልሺየስ"} } } one{"{0} ዲግሪ ሴልሺየስ"} other{"{0} ዲግሪ ሴልሺየስ"} } fahrenheit{ one{"{0} ዲግሪ ፋራንሃይት"} other{"{0} ዲግሪ ፋራንሃይት"} } kelvin{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኬልቪን"} other{"{0} ኬልቪኖች"} } } dnam{"ኬ"} one{"{0} ኬ"} other{"{0} ኬ"} } } volume{ barrel{ one{"{0} በርሜል"} other{"{0} በርሜሎች"} } centiliter{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሴንቲ ሊትር"} other{"{0} ሴንቲ ሊትር"} } } dnam{"ሴንቲ ሊትር"} one{"{0} ሴንቲ ሊትር"} other{"{0} ሴንቲ ሊትር"} } cubic-kilometer{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ኩቢክ ኪሎሜትር"} other{"{0} ኩቢክ ኪሎሜትር"} } } one{"{0} ኩቢክ ኪሎሜትር"} other{"{0} ኩቢክ ኪሎሜትር"} } cubic-mile{ one{"{0} ኩቢክ ማይል"} other{"{0} ኩቢክ ማይል"} } cubic-yard{ dnam{"ኪዩቢክ ያርድ"} one{"{0} ኪዩቢክ ያርድ"} other{"{0} ኪዩቢክ ያርድ"} } cup{ dnam{"ኩባያ"} one{"{0} ኩባያ"} other{"{0} ኩባያ"} } deciliter{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ዴሲ ሊትር"} other{"{0} ዴሲ ሊትር"} } } dnam{"ዴሲ ሊትር"} one{"{0} ዴሲ ሊትር"} other{"{0} ዴሲ ሊትር"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"Imp. fluid ኦንስስ"} one{"{0} Imp. fluid ኦንስስ"} other{"{0} Imp. fluid ኦንስስ"} } gallon{ dnam{"ጋሎን"} one{"{0}/ጋሎን"} other{"{0}/ጋሎን"} per{"{0}/ጋሎን"} } hectoliter{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሄሊ"} other{"{0} ሄሊ"} } } dnam{"ሄክቶሊትር"} one{"{0} ሄሊ"} other{"{0} ሄሊ"} } liter{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሊትር"} other{"{0} ሊትር"} } } one{"{0} ሊትር"} other{"{0} ሊትር"} } megaliter{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሜሊ"} other{"{0} ሜሊ"} } } dnam{"ሜጋሊትር"} one{"{0} ሜሊ"} other{"{0} ሜሊ"} } pint-metric{ case{ accusative{ one{"{0} ሜትሪክ ፒንት"} other{"{0} ሜትሪክ ፒንቶች"} } } one{"{0} mpt"} other{"{0} mpt"} } quart{ dnam{"ኳርትስ"} one{"{0} ኳርትስ"} other{"{0} ኳርትስ"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"የሻይ ማንኪያ"} one{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያ"} other{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያ"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"የሻይ ማንኪያዎች"} one{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያዎች"} other{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያዎች"} } } } unitsNarrow{ angle{ arc-minute{ one{"{0}′"} other{"{0}′"} } arc-second{ one{"{0}″"} other{"{0}″"} } degree{ one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } radian{ dnam{"ራዲ"} one{"{0}ራዲ"} other{"{0}ራዲ"} } revolution{ dnam{"ኡደ"} one{"{0} ኡደ"} other{"{0}ኡደ"} } } area{ square-foot{ one{"{0} ጫማ²"} other{"{0} ጫማ²"} } square-mile{ one{"{0} ማይል²"} other{"{0} ማይል²"} } square-yard{ one{"{0} ስኴር ያርድ"} other{"{0} ስኴር ያርድ"} } } compound{ 1024p8{"ዮቢ {0}"} 10p-6{"ማይክሮ{0}"} 10p21{"ዜታ {0}"} 10p24{"ዮታ {0}"} 10p27{"ሮና {0}"} } concentr{ percent{ dnam{"%"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100-kilometer{ one{"{0}ሊበ100ኪሜ"} other{"{0}ሊበ100ኪሜ"} } } digital{ petabyte{ dnam{"ፔባ"} } terabyte{ dnam{"ቴባይት"} } } duration{ century{ one{"{0}ም.ዓ"} other{"{0}ም.ዓ"} } day{ one{"{0} ቀ"} other{"{0} ቀ"} } hour{ one{"{0} ሰ"} other{"{0} ሰ"} } minute{ one{"{0} ደ"} other{"{0} ደ"} } month{ one{"{0} ወር"} other{"{0} ወር"} } night{ dnam{"ለሊቶች"} one{"{0} ለሊት"} other{"{0} ለሊት"} per{"{0}/ለሊት"} } quarter{ one{"{0} ሩብ"} other{"{0} ሩ"} } second{ dnam{"ሰከንድ"} one{"{0} ሰ"} other{"{0} ሰ"} } week{ one{"{0} ሳምንት"} other{"{0} ሳምንት"} } year{ one{"{0} ዓመት"} other{"{0} ዓ"} } } electric{ ampere{ dnam{"አምፒር"} one{"{0} አምፒር"} other{"{0} አምፒር"} } volt{ dnam{"ቮልት"} one{"{0} ቮልት"} other{"{0} ቮልት"} } } energy{ joule{ dnam{"ጁልስ"} one{"{0} ጁልስ"} other{"{0} ጁልስ"} } kilocalorie{ dnam{"ኪሎ ካሎሪ"} one{"{0} ኪሎ ካሎሪ"} other{"{0} ኪሎ ካሎሪ"} } kilojoule{ dnam{"ኪጁ"} one{"{0} ኪጁ"} other{"{0} ኪጁ"} } } frequency{ gigahertz{ dnam{"ጊጋኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ጊጋኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ጊጋኸርዝ"} } hertz{ dnam{"ኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ኸርዝ"} } kilohertz{ dnam{"ኪሎኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ኪሎኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ኪሎኸርዝ"} } megahertz{ dnam{"ሜጋኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ሜጋኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ሜጋኸርዝ"} } } graphics{ megapixel{ one{"{0} ሜፒ"} other{"{0} ሜፒ"} } } length{ nautical-mile{ dnam{"ማይለባህር"} one{"{0} ማይለባህር"} other{"{0} ማይለባህር"} } } light{ lux{ dnam{"lux"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"ካራት"} } dalton{ dnam{"ዳልተንስ"} one{"{0} ዳልተንስ"} other{"{0} ዳልተንስ"} } microgram{ dnam{"ማግ"} one{"{0} ማግ"} other{"{0} ማግ"} } milligram{ dnam{"ሚሊግራም"} one{"{0} ሚሊግራም"} other{"{0} ሚሊግራም"} } } power{ gigawatt{ dnam{"ጊዋ"} one{"{0} ጊዋ"} other{"{0} ጊዋ"} } horsepower{ one{"{0} የፈረስ ኃይል"} other{"{0} የፈረስ ኃይል"} } megawatt{ dnam{"ሜዋ"} one{"{0} ሜዋ"} other{"{0} ሜዋ"} } milliwatt{ dnam{"ሚዋ"} one{"{0} ሚዋ"} other{"{0} ሚዋ"} } } pressure{ atmosphere{ one{"{0} ከአ"} other{"{0} ከአ"} } hectopascal{ one{"{0} hPa"} other{"{0} hPa"} } inch-ofhg{ one{"{0} inHg"} other{"{0} inHg"} } kilopascal{ one{"{0} ኪፓ"} other{"{0} ኪፓ"} } megapascal{ one{"{0} ሜፓ"} other{"{0} ሜፓ"} } } speed{ light-speed{ dnam{"ብርሃን"} one{"{0} ብርሃን"} other{"{0} ብርሃን"} } } temperature{ celsius{ one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } kelvin{ dnam{"ኬ"} one{"{0} ኬ"} other{"{0} ኬ"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ one{"{0} ኤጫ"} other{"{0} ኤጫ"} } cubic-yard{ dnam{"ኪዩቢክ ያርድ"} one{"{0} ኪዩቢክ ያርድ"} other{"{0} ኪዩቢክ ያርድ"} } cup{ dnam{"ኩባያ"} one{"{0} ኩባያ"} other{"{0} ኩባያ"} } dram{ one{"{0} ክመ"} other{"{0} ክመ"} } gallon{ dnam{"ጋሎን"} one{"{0} ጋሎን"} other{"{0} ጋሎን"} per{"{0}/ጋሎን"} } hectoliter{ dnam{"ሄሊ"} one{"{0} ሄሊ"} other{"{0} ሄሊ"} } megaliter{ dnam{"ሜጋሊትር"} one{"{0} ሜጋሊትር"} other{"{0} ሜጋሊትር"} } milliliter{ one{"{0} ሚሊ"} other{"{0} ሚሊ"} } quart{ dnam{"ኳርትስ"} one{"{0} ኳርትስ"} other{"{0} ኳርትስ"} } quart-imperial{ one{"{0} ፈመ"} other{"{0} ፈመ"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"የሻይ ማንኪያ"} one{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያ"} other{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያ"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"የሻይ ማንኪያዎች"} one{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያዎች"} other{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያዎች"} } } } unitsShort{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"ጂ-ኃይል"} one{"{0} ጂ"} other{"{0} ጂ"} } meter-per-square-second{ dnam{"ሜ/ሰ²"} one{"{0} ሜ/ሰ²"} other{"{0} ሜ/ሰ²"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"ደቂቃ"} one{"{0} ደቂቃ"} other{"{0} ደቂቃ"} } arc-second{ dnam{"ሰከንድ"} one{"{0} ሰከንድ"} other{"{0} ሰከንድ"} } degree{ dnam{"ዲግሪ"} one{"{0}°ዲግሪ"} other{"{0}°ዲግሪ"} } radian{ dnam{"ራዲ"} one{"{0} ራዲ"} other{"{0} ራዲ"} } revolution{ dnam{"ኡደት"} one{"{0} ኡደት"} other{"{0} ኡደት"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"ኤክር"} one{"{0} ኤክር"} other{"{0} ኤክር"} } dunam{ dnam{"ጋሻዎች"} one{"{0} ጋሻ"} other{"{0} ጋሻ"} } hectare{ dnam{"ሄክታር"} one{"{0} ሄክታር"} other{"{0} ሄክታር"} } square-centimeter{ dnam{"ሴሜ²"} one{"{0} ሴሜ²"} other{"{0} ሴሜ²"} per{"{0}/ሴሜ²"} } square-foot{ dnam{"ካሬ ጫማ"} one{"{0} ካሬ ጫማ"} other{"{0} ካሬ ጫማ"} } square-inch{ dnam{"ኢንች²"} one{"{0} ኢንች²"} other{"{0} ኢንች²"} per{"{0}/ኢንች²"} } square-kilometer{ dnam{"ካሬ ኪሎሜትር"} one{"{0} ኪሜ²"} other{"{0} ኪሜ²"} per{"{0}/ኪሜ²"} } square-meter{ dnam{"ካሬ ሜትር"} one{"{0} ሜ²"} other{"{0} ሜ²"} per{"{0}/ሜ²"} } square-mile{ dnam{"ካሬ ማይል"} one{"{0} ካሬ ማይል"} other{"{0} ካሬ ማይል"} per{"{0}/ማይል²"} } square-yard{ dnam{"ስኴር ያርድ"} one{"{0} ስኴር ያርድ"} other{"{0} ስኴር ያርድ"} } } compound{ 1024p1{"{0} ኪቢ"} 1024p2{"{0} ሜቢ"} 1024p3{"{0} ጊቢ"} 1024p4{"{0} ቴቢ"} 1024p5{"{0} ፔቢ"} 1024p7{"{0} ዜቢ"} 1024p8{"ዮቢ {0}"} 10p-1{"ደ{0}"} 10p-12{"ፒ{0}"} 10p-15{"ፌ{0}"} 10p-18{"አ{0}"} 10p-2{"ሴ{0}"} 10p-21{"ዜ{0}"} 10p-24{"ዮ{0}"} 10p-3{"ሚ{0}"} 10p-6{"ማይክሮ{0}"} 10p-9{"ና{0}"} 10p1{"ዴ{0}"} 10p12{"ቴራ {0}"} 10p15{"ፔታ {0}"} 10p2{"ሄ{0}"} 10p21{"ዜታ {0}"} 10p24{"ዮታ {0}"} 10p27{"ሮና {0}"} 10p3{"ኪ{0}"} 10p6{"ሜ{0}"} 10p9{"ጊ{0}"} } concentr{ item{ dnam{"ንጥል"} one{"{0} ንጥል"} other{"{0} ንጥል"} } karat{ dnam{"ካራት"} one{"{0} ካራት"} other{"{0} ካራት"} } percent{ dnam{"ፐርሰንት"} } permille{ dnam{"በማይል"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100-kilometer{ dnam{"ሊትር በ100 ኪሎሜትሮች"} one{"{0} ሊ/100ኪሜ"} other{"{0} ሊ/100ኪሜ"} } liter-per-kilometer{ dnam{"ሊ/ኪሜ"} one{"{0} ሊ/ኪሜ"} other{"{0} ሊ/ኪሜ"} } mile-per-gallon{ dnam{"mpg"} one{"{0} mpg"} other{"{0} mpg"} } } coordinate{ dnam{"አቅጣጫ"} east{"{0}ምስ"} north{"{0}ሰ"} south{"{0}ደ"} west{"{0}ምዕ"} } digital{ bit{ dnam{"ቢት"} one{"{0} ቢት"} other{"{0} ቢት"} } byte{ dnam{"ባይት"} one{"{0} ባይት"} other{"{0} ባይት"} } gigabit{ dnam{"ጊጋባይት"} one{"{0} ጊጋባይት"} other{"{0} ጊጋባይት"} } gigabyte{ dnam{"ጊባ"} one{"{0} ጊባ"} other{"{0} ጊባ"} } kilobit{ dnam{"ኪሎባይት"} one{"{0} ኪሎባይት"} other{"{0} ኪሎባይት"} } kilobyte{ dnam{"ኪባ"} one{"{0} ኪባ"} other{"{0} ኪባ"} } megabit{ dnam{"ሜባ"} one{"{0} ሜባ"} other{"{0} ሜባ"} } megabyte{ dnam{"ሜጋባይት"} one{"{0} ሜጋባይት"} other{"{0} ሜጋባይት"} } petabyte{ dnam{"ፔ ባይት"} one{"{0} ፔባ"} other{"{0} ፔባ"} } terabit{ dnam{"ቴባ"} one{"{0} ቴባ"} other{"{0} ቴባ"} } terabyte{ dnam{"ቴራባይት"} one{"{0} ቴራባይት"} other{"{0} ቴራባይት"} } } duration{ century{ dnam{"ምዕተ ዓመት"} one{"{0} ምዕተ ዓመት"} other{"{0} ምዕተ ዓመት"} } day{ dnam{"ቀናት"} one{"{0} ቀናት"} other{"{0} ቀናት"} per{"{0}/ቀ"} } decade{ dnam{"ዓሠርተ-ዓመት"} one{"{0} ዓሠ.ዓ"} other{"{0} ዓሠ.ዓ"} } hour{ dnam{"ሰዓቶች"} one{"{0} ሰዓ"} other{"{0} ሰዓ"} per{"{0}/ሰ"} } microsecond{ dnam{"ማይክሮሰከንድ"} one{"{0} ማሰ"} other{"{0} ማሰ"} } millisecond{ dnam{"ሚሊሰከንድ"} one{"{0} ሚሴ"} other{"{0} ሚሴ"} } minute{ dnam{"ደቂቃዎች"} one{"{0} ደቂ"} other{"{0} ደቂቃ"} per{"{0}/ደ"} } month{ dnam{"ወራት"} one{"{0} ወራት"} other{"{0} ወራት"} per{"{0}/ወ"} } nanosecond{ dnam{"ናኖሰከንድ"} one{"{0} ናኖሰከንድ"} other{"{0} ናኖሰከንድ"} } night{ dnam{"ለሊቶች"} one{"{0} ለሊት"} other{"{0} ለሊት"} per{"{0}/ለሊት"} } quarter{ dnam{"ሩብ"} one{"{0} ሩብ"} other{"{0} ሩብ"} per{"{0}/ሩ"} } second{ dnam{"ሰከንዶች"} one{"{0} ሰከ"} other{"{0} ሰከ"} per{"{0}/ሰከ"} } week{ dnam{"ሳምንታት"} one{"{0} ሳምንት"} other{"{0} ሳምንታት"} per{"{0}/ሳ"} } year{ dnam{"ዓመታት"} one{"{0} ዓመት"} other{"{0} ዓመታት"} per{"{0}/ዓ"} } } electric{ ampere{ dnam{"አምፒር"} one{"{0} አምፒር"} other{"{0} አምፒር"} } volt{ dnam{"ቮልት"} one{"{0} ቮልት"} other{"{0} ቮልት"} } } energy{ calorie{ dnam{"ካሎሪ"} one{"{0} ካሎሪ"} other{"{0} ካሎሪ"} } electronvolt{ dnam{"ኤቮ"} one{"{0} ኤቮ"} other{"{0} ኤቮ"} } foodcalorie{ dnam{"ካሎሪ"} one{"{0} ካሎሪ"} other{"{0} ካሎሪ"} } joule{ dnam{"ጁልስ"} one{"{0} ጁልስ"} other{"{0} ጁልስ"} } kilocalorie{ dnam{"ኪሎ ካሎሪ"} one{"{0} ኪሎ ካሎሪ"} other{"{0} ኪሎ ካሎሪ"} } kilojoule{ dnam{"ኪጁ"} one{"{0} ኪጁ"} other{"{0} ኪጁ"} } } force{ newton{ dnam{"ኒ"} one{"{0} ኒ"} other{"{0} ኒ"} } } frequency{ gigahertz{ dnam{"ጊጋኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ጊጋኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ጊጋኸርዝ"} } hertz{ dnam{"ኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ኸርዝ"} } kilohertz{ dnam{"ኪሎኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ኪሎኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ኪሎኸርዝ"} } megahertz{ dnam{"ሜጋኸርዝ"} one{"{0} ሜጋኸርዝ"} other{"{0} ሜጋኸርዝ"} } } graphics{ dot{ dnam{"ነቁጥ"} one{"{0} ነቁጥ"} other{"{0} ነቁጥ"} } dot-per-centimeter{ dnam{"ነበሴሜ"} one{"{0} ነበሴሜ"} other{"{0} ነበሴሜ"} } dot-per-inch{ dnam{"ነበኢ"} one{"{0} ነበኢ"} other{"{0} ነበኢ"} } megapixel{ dnam{"ሜጋ ፒክስል"} one{"{0} ሜጋ ፒክስል"} other{"{0} ሜጋ ፒክስል"} } pixel{ dnam{"ፒክስል"} one{"{0} ፒክስል"} other{"{0} ፒክስል"} } pixel-per-centimeter{ dnam{"ፒበሴሜ"} one{"{0} ፒበሴሜ"} other{"{0} ፒበሴሜ"} } pixel-per-inch{ dnam{"ፒበኢ"} one{"{0} ፒበኢ"} other{"{0} ፒበኢ"} } } length{ centimeter{ dnam{"ሴንቲሜትር"} one{"{0} ሴሜ"} other{"{0} ሴሜ"} per{"{0}/ሴሜ"} } decimeter{ dnam{"ዴሜ"} one{"{0} ዴሜ"} other{"{0} ዴሜ"} } fathom{ dnam{"ተዳክሞዎች"} one{"{0} ተዳክሞ"} other{"{0} ተዳክሞ"} } foot{ dnam{"ጫማ"} one{"{0} ጫማ"} other{"{0} ጫማ"} per{"{0}/ጫማ"} } furlong{ dnam{"ፈሎን"} one{"{0} ፈሎን"} other{"{0} ፈሎን"} } inch{ dnam{"ኢንች"} one{"{0} ኢንች"} other{"{0} ኢንች"} per{"{0}/ኢንች"} } kilometer{ dnam{"ኪሎሜትር"} one{"{0} ኪሜ"} other{"{0} ኪሜ"} per{"{0}/ኪሜ"} } light-year{ dnam{"የብርሃን ዓመት"} one{"{0} ብዓ"} other{"{0} ብዓ"} } meter{ dnam{"ሜትር"} one{"{0} ሜ"} other{"{0} ሜ"} per{"{0}/ሜ"} } micrometer{ dnam{"ማሜ"} one{"{0} ማሜ"} other{"{0} ማሜ"} } mile{ dnam{"ማይል"} one{"{0} ማይል"} other{"{0} ማይል"} } mile-scandinavian{ dnam{"ስማይል"} one{"{0} ስማይል"} other{"{0} ስማይል"} } millimeter{ dnam{"ሚሊሜትር"} one{"{0} ሚሜ"} other{"{0} ሚሜ"} } nanometer{ dnam{"ናሜ"} one{"{0} ናሜ"} other{"{0} ናሜ"} } picometer{ dnam{"ፒኮሜትር"} one{"{0} ፒሜ"} other{"{0} ፒሜ"} } point{ dnam{"ነጥብ"} one{"{0} ነጥብ"} other{"{0} ነጥብ"} } solar-radius{ dnam{"ሶላር ራዲ"} } yard{ dnam{"ያርድ"} one{"{0} ያርድ"} other{"{0} ያርድ"} } } light{ candela{ dnam{"ካንዴላ"} one{"{0} ካንዴላ"} other{"{0} ካንዴላ"} } lumen{ dnam{"ቱቦ ቀዳዳ"} one{"{0} ቱቦ ቀዳዳ"} other{"{0} ቱቦ ቀዳዳ"} } } mass{ dalton{ dnam{"ዳልተንስ"} one{"{0} ዳልተንስ"} other{"{0} ዳልተንስ"} } earth-mass{ dnam{"ኤርዝማስስ"} } grain{ dnam{"ጥራ ጥሬ"} one{"{0} ጥራ ጥሬ"} other{"{0} ጥራ ጥሬ"} } gram{ dnam{"ግራም"} one{"{0} ግ"} other{"{0} ግ"} per{"{0}/ግራም"} } kilogram{ dnam{"ኪሎግራም"} one{"{0} ኪግ"} other{"{0} ኪግ"} per{"{0}/ኪሎግራም"} } microgram{ dnam{"ማግ"} one{"{0} ማግ"} other{"{0} ማግ"} } milligram{ dnam{"ሚግ"} one{"{0} ሚግ"} other{"{0} ሚግ"} } ounce{ dnam{"አውንስ"} one{"{0} አውንስ"} other{"{0} አውንስ"} per{"{0}/አውንስ"} } pound{ dnam{"ፓውንድ"} one{"{0} ፓውንድ"} other{"{0} ፓውንድ"} per{"{0}/ፓውንድ"} } solar-mass{ dnam{"ሶላር ማስስ"} } stone{ dnam{"ድንጋይ"} one{"{0} ድንጋይ"} other{"{0} ድንጋይ"} } ton{ dnam{"ቶን"} one{"{0} ቶን"} other{"{0} ቶን"} } tonne{ dnam{"ቶ"} one{"{0} ቶ"} other{"{0} ቶ"} } } power{ gigawatt{ dnam{"ጊጋ ዋት"} one{"{0} ጊዋ"} other{"{0} ጊዋ"} } horsepower{ dnam{"የፈረስ ጉልበት"} one{"{0} የፈጉ"} other{"{0} የፈጉ"} } kilowatt{ dnam{"ኪሎዋት"} one{"{0} ኪዋ"} other{"{0} ኪዋ"} } megawatt{ dnam{"ሜዋ"} one{"{0} ሜዋ"} other{"{0} ሜዋ"} } milliwatt{ dnam{"ሚዋ"} one{"{0} ሚዋ"} other{"{0} ሚዋ"} } watt{ dnam{"ዋት"} one{"{0} ዋ"} other{"{0} ዋ"} } } pressure{ atmosphere{ dnam{"ከባቢ አየር"} one{"{0} ከባቢ አየር"} other{"{0} ከባቢ አየር"} } bar{ dnam{"አሞሌ"} one{"{0} አሞሌ"} other{"{0} አሞሌዎች"} } hectopascal{ dnam{"ሄክቶፓስካል"} one{"{0} ሄክቶፓስካል"} other{"{0} ሄክቶፓስካል"} } inch-ofhg{ dnam{"ኢንች ሜርኩሪ"} one{"{0} ኢሜ"} other{"{0} ኢንሜር"} } kilopascal{ dnam{"ኪሎፓስካል"} one{"{0} ኪሎፓስካል"} other{"{0} ኪሎፓስካል"} } megapascal{ dnam{"ሜጋፓስካል"} one{"{0} ሜጋፓስካል"} other{"{0} ሜጋፓስካል"} } millibar{ dnam{"ሚሊባር"} one{"{0} ሚባ"} other{"{0} ሚባ"} } pascal{ dnam{"ፓስካል"} one{"{0} ፓስካል"} other{"{0} ፓስካል"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ dnam{"ኪሎሜትር በሰዓት"} one{"{0} ኪሜ/ሰ"} other{"{0} ኪሜ/ሰ"} } light-speed{ dnam{"ብርሃን"} one{"{0} ብርሃን"} other{"{0} ብርሃን"} } meter-per-second{ dnam{"ሜትር በሰከንድ"} one{"{0} ሜ/ሴ"} other{"{0} ሜ/ሴ"} } mile-per-hour{ dnam{"ማይል በሰዓት"} one{"{0} ማይል/ሰ"} other{"{0} ማይል/ሰ"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"ዲግሪ ሴልሺየስ"} one{"{0}°ሴ"} other{"{0}°ሴ"} } fahrenheit{ dnam{"ዲግሪ ፋራንሃይት"} one{"{0}°ፋ"} other{"{0}°ፋ"} } kelvin{ dnam{"ኬ"} one{"{0} ኬ"} other{"{0} ኬ"} } } torque{ newton-meter{ dnam{"ኒ.ሜ"} one{"{0} ኒ.ሜ"} other{"{0} ኒ.ሜ"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"ኤከር ጫማ"} one{"{0} ኤከር ጫማ"} other{"{0} ኤከር ጫማ"} } barrel{ dnam{"በርሜል"} one{"{0} በርሜል"} other{"{0} በርሜል"} } bushel{ dnam{"ዳውላ"} one{"{0} ዳውላ"} other{"{0} ዳውላ"} } centiliter{ dnam{"ሴሊ"} one{"{0} ሴሊ"} other{"{0} ሴሊ"} } cubic-centimeter{ dnam{"ሴሜ³"} one{"{0} ሴሜ³"} other{"{0} ሴሜ³"} per{"{0}/ሴሜ³"} } cubic-foot{ dnam{"ጫማ³"} one{"{0} ጫማ³"} other{"{0} ጫማ³"} } cubic-inch{ dnam{"ኢንች³"} one{"{0} ኢንች³"} other{"{0} ኢንች³"} } cubic-kilometer{ dnam{"ኩቢክ ኪሎሜትር"} one{"{0} ኪሜ³"} other{"{0} ኪሜ³"} } cubic-meter{ dnam{"ሜ³"} one{"{0} ሜ³"} other{"{0} ሜ³"} per{"{0}/ሜ³"} } cubic-mile{ dnam{"ኩቢክ ማይል"} one{"{0} ማይል³"} other{"{0} ማይል³"} } cubic-yard{ dnam{"ኪዩቢክ ያርድ"} one{"{0} ኪዩቢክ ያርድ"} other{"{0} ኪዩቢክ ያርድ"} } cup{ dnam{"ኩባያ"} one{"{0} ኩባያ"} other{"{0} ኩባያ"} } deciliter{ dnam{"ዴሊ"} one{"{0} ዴሊ"} other{"{0} ዴሊ"} } dessert-spoon{ dnam{"የመምድረ በዳ ማንኪያ"} one{"{0} የመምድረ በዳ ማንኪያ"} other{"{0} የመምድረ በዳ ማንኪያ"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ dnam{"የምድረ በዳ ማንኪያ"} one{"{0} የምድረ በዳ ማንኪያ"} other{"{0} የምድረ በዳ ማንኪያ"} } dram{ dnam{"የክብደት መለኪያ"} one{"{0} የክብደት መለኪያ"} other{"{0} የክብደት መለኪያ"} } drop{ dnam{"ጠብታ"} one{"{0} ጠብታ"} other{"{0} ጠብታ"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"fl oz"} one{"{0} fl oz"} other{"{0} fl oz"} } gallon{ dnam{"ጋሎን"} one{"{0}/ጋሎን"} other{"{0} ጋሎን"} per{"{0}/ጋሎን"} } hectoliter{ dnam{"ሄሊ"} one{"{0} ሄሊ"} other{"{0} ሄሊ"} } jigger{ dnam{"ሙጃሌ"} one{"{0} ሙጃሌ"} other{"{0} ሙጃሌ"} } liter{ dnam{"ሊትር"} one{"{0} ሊ"} other{"{0} ሊ"} per{"{0}/ሊትር"} } megaliter{ dnam{"ሜጋሊትር"} one{"{0} ሜሊ"} other{"{0} ሜሊ"} } milliliter{ dnam{"ሚሊ ሊትር"} one{"{0} ሚሊ ሊትር"} other{"{0} ሚሊ ሊትር"} } pinch{ dnam{"ቁንጥ"} one{"{0} ቁንጥ"} other{"{0} ቁንጥ"} } quart{ dnam{"ኳርትስ"} one{"{0} ኳርትስ"} other{"{0} ኳርትስ"} } quart-imperial{ dnam{"የፈሳሽ መለኪያ"} one{"{0} የፈሳሽ መለኪያ"} other{"{0} የፈሳሽ መለኪያ"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"የሻይ ማንኪያ"} one{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያ"} other{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያ"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"የሻይ ማንኪያዎች"} one{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያዎች"} other{"{0} የሻይ ማንኪያዎች"} } } } }