// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml vmw{ AuxExemplarCharacters{"[b d g q]"} ExemplarCharacters{"[a c e f h i j k {kh} l m n o p {ph} r s t {th} {tt} {tth} u v w x y z]"} ExemplarCharactersPunctuation{"[\\- ‐‑ – — , ; \\: ! ? . … '‘’ \u0022“” ( ) \\[ \\] @ / \\& # ′ ″]"} NumberElements{ latn{ patterns{ currencyFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤"} } symbols{ decimal{","} group{"."} } } } calendar{ gregorian{ AmPmMarkers{ "vaasisu", "makaaripi", } availableFormats{ yMMMd{"d MMM y"} yMd{"d/M/y"} } dayNames{ format{ wide{ "ettiminku", "nihiku noolempwa", "namaanli", "namararu", "namaxexe", "namathanu", "esaabadu", } } } intervalFormats{ fallback{"{0} ‘mpakha’ {1}"} } monthNames{ format{ wide{ "janeiru", "fevereiru", "marsu", "abril", "maiu", "junyu", "julyu", "agostu", "setembru", "outubru", "novembru", "dezembru", } } } } } measurementSystemNames{ UK{"RU"} US{"EUA"} metric{"metrikhu"} } }