// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml st{ AuxExemplarCharacters{"[c v x z]"} ExemplarCharacters{"[a b d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u w y]"} ExemplarCharactersPunctuation{"[\\- ‐‑ – — , ; \\: ! ? . … '‘’ \u0022“” ( ) \\[ \\] § @ * / \\& # † ‡ ′ ″]"} NumberElements{ latn{ patterns{ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"} } } } calendar{ gregorian{ AmPmMarkers{ "Hoseng", "Thapama", } availableFormats{ Ehm{"E h:mm a"} Ehms{"E h:mm:ss a"} MMMMW{ one{"'week' W 'of' MMM"} other{"'week' W 'of' MMM"} } h{"h a"} hm{"h:mm a"} hms{"h:mm:ss a"} hmsv{"h:mm:ss a v"} hmv{"h:mm a v"} } dayNames{ format{ abbreviated{ "Son", "Mma", "Bed", "Rar", "Ne", "Hla", "Moq", } wide{ "Sontaha", "Mantaha", "Labobedi", "Laboraro", "Labone", "Labohlano", "Moqebelo", } } } intervalFormats{ MEd{ M{"MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E"} d{"MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E"} } MMMEd{ M{"MMM d, E – MMM d, E"} d{"MMM d, E – MMM d, E"} } MMMd{ M{"MMM d – MMM d"} } Md{ M{"MM-dd – MM-dd"} d{"MM-dd – MM-dd"} } h{ a{"h a – h a"} h{"h–h a"} } hm{ a{"h:mm a – h:mm a"} h{"h:mm–h:mm a"} m{"h:mm–h:mm a"} } hmv{ a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"} h{"h:mm–h:mm a v"} m{"h:mm–h:mm a v"} } hv{ a{"h a – h a v"} h{"h–h a v"} } yM{ M{"y-MM – y-MM"} y{"y-MM – y-MM"} } yMEd{ M{"y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E"} d{"y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E"} y{"y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E"} } yMMM{ y{"y MMM – y MMM"} } yMMMEd{ M{"y MMM d, E – MMM d, E"} d{"y MMM d, E – MMM d, E"} y{"y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E"} } yMMMM{ y{"y MMMM – y MMMM"} } yMMMd{ M{"y MMM d – MMM d"} y{"y MMM d – y MMM d"} } yMd{ M{"y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd"} d{"y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd"} y{"y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd"} } } monthNames{ format{ abbreviated{ "Phe", "Kol", "Ube", "Mme", "Mot", "Jan", "Upu", "Pha", "Leo", "Mph", "Pun", "Tsh", } wide{ "Pherekgong", "Hlakola", "Hlakubele", "Mmesa", "Motsheanong", "Phupjane", "Phupu", "Phato", "Lwetse", "Mphalane", "Pudungwana", "Tshitwe", } } } } } delimiters{ alternateQuotationEnd{"”"} alternateQuotationStart{"“"} quotationEnd{"’"} } }