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"1"{"sam. prochain"} } relativeTime{ future{ one{"dans {0} sam."} other{"dans {0} sam."} } past{ one{"dans {0} sam."} other{"dans {0} sam."} } } } second{ dn{"seconde"} relative{ "0"{"maintenant"} } relativeTime{ future{ one{"dans {0} seconde"} other{"dans {0} secondes"} } past{ one{"il y a {0} seconde"} other{"il y a {0} secondes"} } } } second-narrow{ relativeTime{ future{ one{"+{0} s"} other{"+{0} s"} } past{ one{"-{0} s"} other{"-{0} s"} } } } second-short{ dn{"s"} relativeTime{ future{ one{"dans {0} s"} other{"dans {0} s"} } past{ one{"il y a {0} s"} other{"il y a {0} s"} } } } sun{ relative{ "-1"{"dimanche dernier"} "0"{"ce dimanche"} "1"{"dimanche prochain"} } relativeTime{ future{ one{"dans {0} dimanche"} other{"dans {0} dimanches"} } past{ one{"il y a {0} dimanche"} other{"il y a {0} dimanches"} } } } sun-short{ relative{ "-1"{"dim. dernier"} "0"{"ce dim."} "1"{"dim. prochain"} } relativeTime{ future{ one{"dans {0} dim."} other{"dans {0} dim."} } past{ one{"il y a {0} dim."} other{"il y a {0} dim."} } } } thu{ relative{ "-1"{"jeudi dernier"} "0"{"ce jeudi"} "1"{"jeudi prochain"} } relativeTime{ future{ one{"dans {0} jeudi"} other{"dans {0} jeudis"} } past{ one{"il y a {0} jeudi"} other{"il y a {0} jeudis"} } } } thu-short{ relative{ "-1"{"jeu. dernier"} "0"{"ce jeu."} "1"{"jeu. prochain"} } relativeTime{ future{ one{"dans {0} jeu."} other{"dans {0} jeu."} } past{ one{"il y a {0} jeu."} other{"il y a {0} jeu."} } } } tue{ relative{ "-1"{"mardi dernier"} "0"{"ce mardi"} "1"{"mardi prochain"} } relativeTime{ future{ one{"dans {0} mardi"} other{"dans {0} mardis"} } past{ one{"il y a {0} mardi"} other{"il y a {0} mardis"} } } } tue-short{ relative{ "-1"{"mar. dernier"} "0"{"ce mar."} "1"{"mar. prochain"} } relativeTime{ future{ one{"dans {0} mar."} other{"dans {0} mar."} } past{ one{"il y a {0} mar."} other{"il y a {0} mar."} } } } wed{ relative{ "-1"{"mercredi dernier"} "0"{"ce mercredi"} "1"{"mercredi prochain"} } relativeTime{ future{ one{"dans {0} 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