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"Hmmsszzzz", "Hmmssz", "Hmmss", "Hmm", "GyMMMMEEEEd", "GyMMMMd", "GyMd", "GGGGGyyMd", } availableFormats{ Ed{"E d"} Ehm{"E h:mm a"} Ehms{"E h:mm:ss a"} Gy{"y G"} GyMMM{"LLL y G"} GyMMMEd{"E, d MMM y G"} GyMMMM{"LLLL 'del' y G"} GyMMMMEd{"E, d MMMM 'del' y G"} GyMMMMd{"d MMMM 'del' y G"} GyMMMd{"d MMM y G"} GyMd{"dd-MM-y GGGGG"} H{"H"} Hm{"H:mm"} Hms{"H:mm:ss"} MEd{"E, d/M"} MMMEd{"E, d MMM"} MMMMEd{"E, d MMMM"} MMMMd{"d MMMM"} MMMd{"d MMM"} Md{"d/M"} h{"h a"} hm{"h:mm a"} hms{"h:mm:ss a"} y{"y G"} yyyy{"y G"} yyyyM{"M/y G"} yyyyMEd{"E, d/M/y GGGGG"} yyyyMMM{"LLL y G"} yyyyMMMEd{"E, d MMM y G"} yyyyMMMM{"LLLL 'del' y G"} yyyyMMMMEd{"E, d MMMM 'del' y G"} yyyyMMMMd{"d MMMM 'del' y G"} yyyyMMMd{"d MMM y G"} yyyyMd{"d/M/y G"} yyyyQQQ{"QQQ y G"} yyyyQQQQ{"QQQQ y G"} } intervalFormats{ Bh{ B{"h B – h B"} } Bhm{ B{"h:mm B – h:mm B"} } Gy{ G{"y G – y G"} y{"y – y G"} } GyM{ G{"M/y GGGGG – M/y GGGGG"} M{"M/y – M/y GGGGG"} y{"M/y – M/y GGGGG"} } GyMEd{ G{"E, d/M/y GGGGG – E, d/M/y GGGGG"} M{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"} d{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"} y{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"} } GyMMM{ G{"MMM y G – MMM y G"} M{"MMM – MMM y G"} y{"MMM y – MMM y G"} } GyMMMEd{ G{"E, d MMM, y G – E, d MMM, y G"} M{"E, d MMM, y – E, d MMM, y G"} d{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM, y G"} y{"E, d MMM, y – E, d MMM, y G"} } GyMMMd{ G{"d MMM, y – d MMM, y G"} M{"d MMM, y – d MMM, y G"} d{"d – d MMM, y G"} y{"d MMM, y – d MMM, y G"} } GyMd{ G{"d/M/y GGGGG – d/M/y GGGGG"} M{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"} d{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"} y{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"} } H{ H{"H–H"} } Hv{ H{"H–H v"} } M{ M{"M–M"} } MEd{ M{"E, d/M – E, d/M"} d{"E, d/M – E, d/M"} } MMM{ M{"MMM–MMM"} } MMMEd{ M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM"} d{"E, d – E, d MMM"} } MMMd{ M{"d MMM – d MMM"} d{"d–d MMM"} } Md{ M{"d/M – d/M"} d{"d/M – d/M"} } hm{ a{"h:mm a –h:mm a"} h{"h:mm–h:mm a"} m{"h:mm–h:mm a"} } hmv{ a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"} h{"h:mm–h:mm a v"} m{"h:mm–h:mm a v"} } y{ y{"y–y G"} } yM{ M{"M/y – M/y GGGGG"} y{"M/y – M/y GGGGG"} } yMEd{ M{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"} d{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"} y{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"} } yMMM{ M{"MMM–MMM y G"} y{"MMM 'del' y – MMM 'del' y G"} } yMMMEd{ M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM 'del' y G"} d{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM 'del' y G"} y{"E, d MMM 'del' y – E, d MMM 'del' y G"} } yMMMM{ M{"MMMM–MMMM 'del' y G"} y{"MMMM 'del' y – MMMM 'del' y G"} } yMMMMEd{ M{"E, d MMMM – E, d MMMM 'del' y G"} d{"E, d MMMM – E, d MMMM 'del' y G"} y{"E, d MMMM 'del' y – E, d MMMM 'del' y G"} } yMMMMd{ M{"d MMMM – d MMMM 'del' y G"} d{"d–d MMMM 'del' y G"} y{"d MMMM 'del' y – d MMMM 'del' y G"} } yMMMd{ M{"d MMM – d MMM 'del' y G"} d{"d–d MMM 'del' y G"} y{"d MMM 'del' y – d MMM 'del' y G"} } yMd{ M{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"} d{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"} y{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"} } } } gregorian{ AmPmMarkers{ "a. m.", "p. m.", } AmPmMarkersAbbr{ "a. m.", "p. m.", } DateTimePatterns{ "H:mm:ss (zzzz)", "H:mm:ss z", "H:mm:ss", "H:mm", "EEEE, d MMMM 'del' y", "d MMMM 'del' y", "d MMM y", "d/M/yy", "{1}, {0}", "{1}, {0}", "{1}, {0}", "{1}, {0}", "{1} {0}", } DateTimePatterns%atTime{ "{1}, 'a' 'les' {0}", "{1}, 'a' 'les' {0}", "{1}, {0}", "{1} {0}", } DateTimeSkeletons{ "Hmmsszzzz", "Hmmssz", "Hmmss", "Hmm", "yMMMMEEEEd", "yMMMMd", "yMMMd", "yyMd", } availableFormats{ EHm{"E H:mm"} EHms{"E H:mm:ss"} Ed{"E d"} Ehm{"E h:mm a"} Ehms{"E h:mm:ss a"} Gy{"y G"} GyMMM{"LLL y G"} GyMMMEd{"E, d MMM 'del' y G"} GyMMMM{"LLLL 'del' y G"} GyMMMMEd{"E, d MMMM 'del' y G"} GyMMMMd{"d MMMM 'del' y G"} GyMMMd{"d MMM 'del' y G"} GyMd{"dd-MM-y GGGGG"} H{"H"} Hm{"H:mm"} Hms{"H:mm:ss"} Hmsv{"H:mm:ss v"} Hmsvvvv{"H:mm:ss (vvvv)"} Hmv{"H:mm v"} Hmvvvv{"H:mm (vvvv)"} MEd{"E d/M"} MMMEd{"E, d MMM"} MMMMEd{"E, d MMMM"} MMMMW{ one{"'setmana' W MMMM"} other{"'setmana' W MMMM"} } MMMMd{"d MMMM"} MMMd{"d MMM"} Md{"d/M"} h{"h a"} hm{"h:mm a"} hms{"h:mm:ss a"} hmsv{"h:mm:ss a v"} hmsvvvv{"h:mm:ss a (vvvv)"} hmv{"h:mm a v"} hmvvvv{"h:mm a (vvvv)"} yM{"M/y"} yMEd{"E, d/M/y"} yMMM{"LLL 'del' y"} yMMMEd{"E, d MMM y"} yMMMM{"LLLL 'del' y"} yMMMMEd{"E, d MMMM 'del' y"} yMMMMd{"d MMMM 'del' y"} yMMMd{"d MMM 'del' y"} yMd{"d/M/y"} yQQQ{"QQQ y"} yQQQQ{"QQQQ 'del' y"} yw{ one{"'setmana' w 'del' Y"} other{"'setmana' w 'del' Y"} } } dayNames{ format{ abbreviated{ "dg.", "dl.", "dt.", "dc.", "dj.", "dv.", "ds.", } wide{ "diumenge", "dilluns", "dimarts", "dimecres", "dijous", "divendres", "dissabte", } } stand-alone{ narrow{ "dg.", "dl.", "dt.", "dc.", "dj.", "dv.", "ds.", } } } dayPeriod{ format{ abbreviated{ afternoon1{"migdia"} afternoon2{"tarda"} evening1{"vespre"} midnight{"mitjanit"} morning1{"matinada"} morning2{"matí"} night1{"nit"} } } stand-alone{ wide{ am{"a. m."} pm{"p. m."} } } } eras{ abbreviated{ "aC", "dC", } abbreviated%variant{ "AEC", "EC", } wide{ "abans de Crist", "després de Crist", } wide%variant{ "abans de l’era cristiana", "era cristiana", } } intervalFormats{ Gy{ G{"y G – y G"} y{"y–y G"} } GyM{ G{"M/y GGGGG – M/y GGGGG"} M{"M/y – M/y GGGGG"} y{"M/y – M/y GGGGG"} } GyMEd{ G{"E, d/M/y GGGGG – E, d/M/y GGGGG"} M{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"} d{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"} y{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"} } GyMMM{ G{"LLL y G – LLL y G"} M{"LLL – LLL y G"} y{"LLL y – LLL y G"} } GyMMMEd{ G{"E, d MMM, y G – E, d MMM, y G"} M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM, y G"} d{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM, y G"} y{"E, d MMM, y – E, d MMM, y G"} } GyMMMd{ G{"d MMM, y G – d MMM, y G"} M{"d MMM – d MMM, y G"} d{"d–d LLL, y G"} y{"d MMM, y – d MMM, y G"} } GyMd{ G{"d/M/y GGGGG – d/M/y GGGGG"} M{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"} d{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"} y{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"} } H{ H{"H–H"} } Hm{ H{"H:mm–H:mm"} m{"H:mm–H:mm"} } Hmv{ H{"H:mm–H:mm v"} m{"H:mm–H:mm v"} } Hv{ H{"H–H v"} } M{ M{"M–M"} } MEd{ M{"E, d/M – E, d/M"} d{"E, d/M – E, d/M"} } MMM{ M{"LLL – LLL"} } MMMEd{ M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM"} d{"E, d – E, d MMM"} } MMMd{ M{"d MMM – d MMM"} d{"d–d MMM"} } Md{ M{"d/M – d/M"} d{"d/M – d/M"} } h{ a{"h a – h a"} h{"h–h a"} } hm{ a{"h:mm a – h:mm a"} h{"h:mm–h:mm a"} m{"h:mm–h:mm a"} } hmv{ a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"} h{"h:mm–h:mm a v"} m{"h:mm–h:mm a v"} } hv{ a{"h a – h a v"} h{"h–h a v"} } yM{ M{"M/y – M/y"} y{"M/y – M/y"} } yMEd{ M{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y"} d{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y"} y{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y"} } yMMM{ M{"LLL–LLL 'del' y"} y{"LLL y – LLL y"} } yMMMEd{ M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM y"} d{"E, d – E, d MMM y"} y{"E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y"} } yMMMM{ M{"LLLL–LLLL 'del' y"} y{"LLLL 'del' y – LLLL 'del' y"} } yMMMMEd{ M{"E, d MMMM – E, d MMMM 'del' y"} d{"E, d – E, d MMMM 'del' y"} y{"E, d MMMM 'del' y – E, d MMMM 'del' y"} } yMMMMd{ M{"d MMMM – d MMMM 'del' y"} d{"d–d MMMM 'del' y"} y{"d MMMM 'del' y – d MMMM 'del' y"} } yMMMd{ M{"d MMM – d MMM y"} d{"d–d MMM y"} y{"d MMM y – d MMM y"} } yMd{ M{"d/M/y – d/M/y"} d{"d/M/y – d/M/y"} y{"d/M/y – d/M/y"} } } monthNames{ format{ abbreviated{ "de gen.", "de febr.", "de març", "d’abr.", "de maig", "de juny", "de jul.", "d’ag.", "de set.", "d’oct.", "de nov.", "de des.", } wide{ "de gener", "de febrer", "de març", "d’abril", "de maig", "de juny", "de juliol", "d’agost", "de setembre", "d’octubre", "de 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