// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml ta{ collations{ standard{ Sequence{ "[normalization on]" "[reorder Taml Deva Beng Guru Gujr Orya Telu Knda Mlym Sinh]" "&ஔ<ஂ<ஃ" "&ஹ<க்ஷ" "&[before 1]க<க்" "&[before 1]ங<ங்" "&[before 1]ச<ச்" "&[before 1]ஞ<ஞ்" "&[before 1]ட<ட்" "&[before 1]ண<ண்" "&[before 1]த<த்" "&[before 1]ந<ந்" "&[before 1]ப<ப்" "&[before 1]ம<ம்" "&[before 1]ய<ய்" "&[before 1]ர<ர்" "&[before 1]ல<ல்" "&[before 1]வ<வ்" "&[before 1]ழ<ழ்" "&[before 1]ள<ள்" "&[before 1]ற<ற்" "&[before 1]ன<ன்" "&[before 1]ஜ<ஜ்" "&[before 1]ஶ<ஶ்" "&[before 1]ஷ<ஷ்" "&[before 1]ஸ<ஸ்" "&[before 1]ஹ<ஹ்" "&[before 1]க்ஷ<க்ஷ்" } Version{"46"} } } }