[shapedetection-cross-origin.sub.https.html] expected: if os == "mac": [OK, TIMEOUT] if os == "android": [OK, CRASH] [BarcodeDetector should reject cross-origin ImageBitmaps with a SecurityError.] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, NOTRUN] FAIL [BarcodeDetector should reject cross-origin HTMLImageElements with a SecurityError.] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, NOTRUN] FAIL [FaceDetector should reject cross-origin HTMLVideoElements with a SecurityError.] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, TIMEOUT] FAIL [BarcodeDetector should reject cross-origin HTMLVideoElements with a SecurityError.] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, NOTRUN] FAIL [FaceDetector should reject cross-origin ImageBitmaps with a SecurityError.] expected: FAIL [FaceDetector should reject cross-origin HTMLImageElements with a SecurityError.] expected: FAIL [TextDetector should reject cross-origin HTMLImageElements with a SecurityError.] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, NOTRUN] FAIL [TextDetector should reject cross-origin ImageBitmaps with a SecurityError.] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, NOTRUN] FAIL [TextDetector should reject cross-origin HTMLVideoElements with a SecurityError.] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, NOTRUN] FAIL