[effect-updateTiming.html] [Allows setting the delay to a positive number] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the delay to a negative number] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the delay of an animation in progress: positive delay that causes the animation to be no longer in-effect] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the delay of an animation in progress: negative delay that seeks into the active interval] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the delay of an animation in progress: large negative delay that causes the animation to be finished] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid delay value: NaN] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid delay value: Infinity] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid delay value: -Infinity] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the endDelay to a positive number] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the endDelay to a negative number] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting the endDelay to infinity] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting the endDelay to negative infinity] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the fill to 'none'] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the fill to 'forwards'] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the fill to 'backwards'] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the fill to 'both'] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the iterationStart of an animation in progress: backwards-filling] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the iterationStart of an animation in progress: active phase] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the iterationStart of an animation in progress: forwards-filling] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid iterationStart value: -1] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid iterationStart value: NaN] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid iterationStart value: Infinity] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid iterationStart value: -Infinity] expected: FAIL [Allows setting iterations to a double value] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting iterations to Infinity] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the iterations of an animation in progress] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the iterations of an animation in progress with duration "auto"] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the duration to 123.45] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the duration to auto] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid duration: -1] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid duration: NaN] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid duration: -Infinity] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid duration: "abc"] expected: FAIL [Throws when setting invalid duration: "100"] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the duration of an animation in progress] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the duration of an animation in progress such that the the start and current time do not change] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the direction to each of the possible keywords] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from 'normal' to 'reverse'] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from 'normal' to 'reverse' while at start of active interval] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from 'normal' to 'reverse' while filling backwards] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from 'normal' to 'alternate'] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from 'alternate' to 'alternate-reverse'] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a step-start function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a steps(1, start) function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a steps(2, start) function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a step-end function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a steps(1) function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a steps(1, end) function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a steps(2, end) function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a linear function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a ease function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a ease-in function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a ease-in-out function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a ease-out function] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a easing function which produces values greater than 1] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing to a easing function which produces values less than 1] expected: FAIL [Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'ease'] expected: FAIL [Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'linear'] expected: FAIL [Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'ease-in'] expected: FAIL [Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'ease-out'] expected: FAIL [Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'ease-in-out'] expected: FAIL [Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'cubic-bezier(0.1, 5, 0.23, 0)'] expected: FAIL [Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'steps(3, start)'] expected: FAIL [Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'steps(3)'] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the easing of an animation in progress] expected: FAIL [Allows setting the duration to Infinity] expected: FAIL