[view-timeline-range-animation.html] expected: [TIMEOUT, OK] [Animation with ranges [contain 0%, contain 100%\]] expected: FAIL [Animation with ranges [exit 0%, exit 100%\]] expected: FAIL [Animation with ranges [cover 20px, cover 100px\]] expected: FAIL [Animation with ranges [contain 20px, contain 100px\]] expected: FAIL [Animation with ranges [exit 20px, exit 80px\]] expected: FAIL [Animation with ranges [contain 20px, contain calc(100px - 10%)\]] expected: FAIL [Animation with ranges [exit 2em, exit 8em\]] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, TIMEOUT] FAIL [Animation with ranges [entry 0%, entry 100%\]] expected: FAIL [Animation with ranges [contain -50%, entry 200%\]] expected: FAIL [Animation with ranges [entry 20px, entry 100px\]] expected: FAIL [Animation with ranges [entry-crossing 20px, entry-crossing 100px\]] expected: FAIL [Animation with ranges [exit-crossing 20px, exit-crossing 80px\]] expected: FAIL [Animation with ranges [exit 2em, exit 8em\] (scoped)] expected: if os == "mac": [TIMEOUT, NOTRUN, FAIL] [TIMEOUT, FAIL]