[permissions-policy-video.https.sub.html] expected: if (os == "win") and not debug and (processor == "x86_64"): [OK, ERROR] if (os == "mac") and debug: [OK, ERROR] if (os == "linux") and not debug: [OK, ERROR] disabled: if os == "mac" and os_version == "14.70" and processor == "x86_64" and debug: Bug 1931213 if os == "mac" and os_version == "14.70" and processor == "x86_64" and not debug: Bug 1931213 [Default "display-capture" permissions policy ["self"\] allows the top-level document.] expected: if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] if os == "android": FAIL [Default "display-capture" permissions policy ["self"\] allows same-origin iframes.] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [Default "display-capture" permissions policy ["self"\] disallows cross-origin iframes.] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [permissions policy "display-capture" can be disabled in same-origin iframes using "allow" attribute.] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [permissions policy "display-capture" can be enabled in cross-origin iframes using "allow" attribute.] expected: if os == "android": FAIL