[pointerevent_click_is_a_pointerevent.html?pen] [click using pen is a PointerEvent with correct properties] expected: FAIL [click using pen is a PointerEvent with correct properties when no other PointerEvent listeners are present] expected: FAIL [click using pen is a PointerEvent with correct properties in a subframe] expected: FAIL [pointerevent_click_is_a_pointerevent.html?mouse] [pointerevent_click_is_a_pointerevent.html?touch] expected: if (os == "linux") and debug and not fission: [TIMEOUT, OK] [click using touch is a PointerEvent with correct properties] expected: if (os == "linux") and debug and not fission: [FAIL, TIMEOUT] FAIL [click using touch is a PointerEvent with correct properties in a subframe] expected: if (os == "linux") and debug and not fission: [NOTRUN, FAIL] FAIL [click using touch is a PointerEvent with correct properties when no other PointerEvent listeners are present] expected: if (os == "linux") and debug and not fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS, NOTRUN]