[mediasource-changetype-play.html] expected: if (os == "win") and debug and (processor == "x86_64"): [OK, CRASH] if (os == "android") and debug and sessionHistoryInParent: [OK, TIMEOUT] if (os == "android") and not debug and sessionHistoryInParent: [OK, ERROR] if (os == "android") and not debug and not sessionHistoryInParent: [OK, TIMEOUT, ERROR] [Test video-only changeType for video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D4001" <-> video/webm; codecs="vp8"] expected: if (os == "android") and debug and sessionHistoryInParent: [PASS, TIMEOUT] [Test video-only changeType for video/webm; codecs="vp8" <-> video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D4001"] expected: if not sessionHistoryInParent and not debug: [PASS, TIMEOUT]