[invoker should reflect odd cased sHoW-MoDaL properly - as show-modal]
expected: FAIL
[invoker should reflect odd cased tOgGlE-pOpOvEr properly - as toggle-popover]
expected: FAIL
[invoker should reflect odd cased hIdE-pOpOvEr properly - as hide-popover]
expected: FAIL
[invoker should reflect odd cased sHoW-pOpOvEr properly - as show-popover]
expected: FAIL
[invoker should reflect odd cased ClOsE properly - as close]
expected: FAIL
[invoker should reflect the invalid value "invalid" as the empty string]
expected: FAIL
[invoker should reflect the invalid value "show-invalid" as the empty string]
expected: FAIL
[invoker should reflect the invalid value "foo-bar" as the empty string]
expected: FAIL