prefs: [apz.zoom-to-focused-input.enabled:false] [interactive-content.html] expected: if not debug and (os == "mac"): TIMEOUT if not debug and (os == "android"): [OK, CRASH] if debug: OK [TIMEOUT, OK] [Clicking an SVG link doesn't open
] expected: FAIL [Clicking an doesn't open
] expected: if (os == "win") and debug: [PASS, NOTRUN] if (os == "win") and not debug: [NOTRUN, PASS] if (os == "mac") and not debug: [NOTRUN, PASS] if (os == "linux") and not debug: NOTRUN if os == "android": [PASS, FAIL] [Clicking an doesn't open
] expected: if (os == "win") and debug: [PASS, NOTRUN] if (os == "win") and not debug: [NOTRUN, PASS] if (os == "mac") and not debug: [NOTRUN, PASS] if (os == "linux") and not debug: NOTRUN if os == "android": [PASS, FAIL] [Clicking an doesn't open
] expected: if (os == "win") and debug: [PASS, NOTRUN] if (os == "win") and not debug: [NOTRUN, PASS] if (os == "mac") and not debug: [NOTRUN, PASS] if (os == "linux") and not debug: NOTRUN [Clicking an doesn't open
] expected: if (os == "win") and debug: [FAIL, NOTRUN] if (os == "win") and not debug: [NOTRUN, FAIL] if (os == "mac") and not debug: [NOTRUN, FAIL] if (os == "linux") and not debug: NOTRUN FAIL [Clicking a