[area-coords.html] max-asserts: 102 expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [COMMA: "2,2,10,10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [SEMICOLON: "2;2;10;10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [SPACE: "2 2 10 10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [TAB: "2\\t2\\t10\\t10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [FORM FEED: "2\\f2\\f10\\f10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [LINE FEED: "2\\n2\\n10\\n10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [CARRIGAGE RETURN: "2\\r2\\r10\\r10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [abc between numbers: "2a2b20c20,2,10,10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [COLON between numbers: "2:2:20:20,2,10,10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [U+0000 between numbers: "2\\02\\020\\020,2,10,10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [leading COMMA: ",2,2,10,10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [leading SPACE: " 2,2,10,10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [leading SEMICOLON: ";2,2,10,10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [PERCENT: "2%,2%,10%,10%" (rect)] expected: FAIL [CSS units: "2in,2in,10cm,10cm" (rect)] expected: FAIL [float: "1.4,1.4,10,10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [number starting with PERIOD: ".4,.4,10,10" (rect)] expected: FAIL [sci-not: "2,2,1e1,1e1" (rect)] expected: FAIL [leading/trailing garbage: "='2,2,10,10' " (rect)] expected: FAIL [non-ascii garbage: "“2,2,10,10\\"" (rect)] expected: FAIL [several consecutive separators: ",,2;,;2,;,10 \\t\\r\\n10;;" (rect)] expected: FAIL [one too many numbers, trailing COMMA: "100,100,120,100,100,120,300," (poly)] expected: FAIL