[header-link.sub.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [sec-fetch-site rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-origin destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-site rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-site destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-site rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy cross-site destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-mode rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-origin destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-mode rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-site destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-mode rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy cross-site destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-dest rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-origin destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-dest rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-site destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-dest rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy cross-site destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-user rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-origin destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-user rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-site destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-user rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy cross-site destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-site rel=icon - HTTPS downgrade (header not sent)] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-site rel=icon - HTTPS upgrade] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-site rel=icon - HTTPS downgrade-upgrade] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-storage-access rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-origin destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-storage-access rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-site destination] expected: FAIL [sec-fetch-storage-access rel=icon - Not sent to non-trustworthy cross-site destination] expected: FAIL