[EditContext should disable DOM mutation]
expected: FAIL
[beforeInput(insertText) should be cancelable]
expected: FAIL
[EditContext should not receive events after being detached from element]
expected: FAIL
[EditContext constructed outside iframe can be used in iframe]
expected: FAIL
[Basic text input with div]
expected: FAIL
[Basic text input with canvas]
expected: FAIL
[Text insertion with non-collapsed selection with div]
expected: FAIL
[Text insertion with non-collapsed selection with canvas]
expected: FAIL
[Backspace and delete in EditContext with div]
expected: FAIL
[Backspace and delete in EditContext with canvas]
expected: FAIL
[Backspace and delete with existing selection with div]
expected: FAIL
[Backspace and delete with existing selection with canvas]
expected: FAIL
[Removing EditContext-associated element with focus doesn't prevent further text input on the page]
expected: FAIL
[Textupdate event should be fired on edit context when the editor element is moved to an iframe]
expected: FAIL