[Node-moveBefore.html] [If node is a host-including inclusive ancestor of parent, then throw a HierarchyRequestError DOMException.] expected: FAIL [If node is not a DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Element, Text, ProcessingInstruction, or Comment node, then throw a HierarchyRequestError DOMException.] expected: FAIL [If node is a Text node and parent is a document, then throw a HierarchyRequestError DOMException.] expected: FAIL [If node is a doctype and parent is not a document, then throw a HierarchyRequestError DOMException.] expected: FAIL [If node is a DocumentFragment with multiple elements and parent is a document, then throw a HierarchyRequestError DOMException.] expected: FAIL [If node is a DocumentFragment with an element and parent is a document with another element, then throw a HierarchyRequestError DOMException.] expected: FAIL [If node is an Element and parent is a document with another element, then throw a HierarchyRequestError DOMException.] expected: FAIL [If node is a doctype and parent is a document with another doctype, then throw a HierarchyRequestError DOMException.] expected: FAIL [If node is a doctype and parent is a document with an element, then throw a HierarchyRequestError DOMException.] expected: FAIL [moveBefore() on disconnected parent throws a HierarchyRequestError] expected: FAIL [moveBefore() with disconnected target node throws a HierarchyRequestError] expected: FAIL [moveBefore() on a cross-document target node throws a HierarchyRequestError] expected: FAIL [moveBefore() into a Document throws a HierarchyRequestError] expected: FAIL [moveBefore() with node being an inclusive ancestor of parent throws a HierarchyRequestError] expected: FAIL [moveBefore() with a non-{Element, CharacterData} throws a HierarchyRequestError] expected: FAIL [moveBefore with an Element or CharacterData succeeds] expected: FAIL [moveBefore on a paragraph's Text node child] expected: FAIL [moveBefore with reference child whose parent is NOT the destination parent (context node) throws a NotFoundError.] expected: FAIL [Moving a node from disconnected->connected throws a HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR] expected: FAIL [Moving a node from connected->disconnected throws a HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR] expected: FAIL [No custom element callbacks are run during disconnected moveBefore()] expected: FAIL [moveBefore() CharacterData into a Document] expected: FAIL [Moving a node from a disconnected container to a disconnected new parent without a shared ancestor throws a HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR] expected: FAIL [Moving a node from a disconnected container to a disconnected new parent in the same tree succeeds] expected: FAIL [Moving a node from a disconnected container to a disconnected new parent in the same tree succeeds,also across shadow-roots] expected: FAIL [moveBefore() returns undefined] expected: FAIL [Moving a node before itself should not move the node] expected: FAIL [Invalid node hierarchy with null old parent does not crash] expected: FAIL [Move disconnected iframe does not crash] expected: FAIL