[customElements on a newly constrcuted element should return window.customElements by default]
expected: FAIL
[customElements on an element inside a declarative shadow DOM should return window.customElements by default]
expected: FAIL
[customElements on an element inside a declarative shadow DOM with shadowrootcustomelements should return null]
expected: FAIL
[customElements on a clone of a declarative shadow tree with shadowrootcustomelements should return null]
expected: FAIL
[customElements on a clone of a declarative shadow tree with shadowrootcustomelements should return the global registry after getting inserted into a document]
expected: FAIL
[customElements on an element inside a declarative shadow DOM with shadowrootcustomelements should return the scoped registry after calling initialize]
expected: FAIL
[customElements on a builtin element created by calling createElement on CustomElementRegistry should return the registry]
expected: FAIL
[customElements on an upgarde candidate created by calling createElement on CustomElementRegistry should return the registry]
expected: FAIL
[customElements on an unknown element created by calling createElement on CustomElementRegistry should return the registry]
expected: FAIL
[customElements on a defined custom element created by calling createElement on CustomElementRegistry should return the registry]
expected: FAIL