[scroll-behavior-smooth-positions.html] [Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 0) to (500, 250) using scroll() ] expected: if debug and (os == "win"): [PASS, FAIL] if debug and (os == "linux"): [PASS, FAIL] [Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 0) to (500, 250) using scroll() ] expected: if debug and (os == "linux") and not fission: [PASS, FAIL] if not debug and asan and not fission: [PASS, FAIL] if debug and (os == "win"): [PASS, FAIL] if debug and (os == "android"): [PASS, FAIL] [Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 500) to (500, 250) using scrollBy() ] expected: if (os == "mac") and debug: [PASS, FAIL] [Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 500) to (500, 250) using scrollIntoView() ] expected: if (os == "win") and debug: [PASS, FAIL] [Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 500) to (500, 250) using scrollTo() ] expected: if (os == "win") and debug and (processor == "x86_64"): [PASS, FAIL] if (os == "win") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] [Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 500) to (500, 250) using scroll() ] expected: if not fission and (os == "linux") and debug: [PASS, FAIL] [Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 0) to (500, 250) using scrollTo() ] expected: if not fission and (os == "linux") and debug: [PASS, FAIL] [Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 0) to (500, 250) using scrollTo() ] expected: if not fission and (os == "linux") and debug: [PASS, FAIL]