[variable-definition.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [CSSOM.setProperty with space 1] expected: FAIL [CSSOM.setProperty with space 2] expected: FAIL [can overwrite with space value (Cascading)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] FAIL [ leading white space (single space) (Cascading)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] [ leading white space (single space)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] [white space value (double space)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] FAIL [ leading white space (double space) 2 (Cascading)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] [white space value (single space) (Computed Style)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] FAIL [can overwrite with space value] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] FAIL [white space value (double space) (Computed Style)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] FAIL [can overwrite with space value (Computed Style)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] FAIL [ leading white space (single space) (Computed Style)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] [white space value (single space)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] FAIL [white space value (double space) (Cascading)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] FAIL [white space value (single space) (Cascading)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] FAIL [ leading white space (double space) 2] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] [ leading white space (double space) 2 (Computed Style)] expected: if (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL] [ trailing white space (single space)] expected: FAIL [ trailing white space (double space) 2] expected: FAIL [!important] expected: FAIL [!important (with space)] expected: FAIL [ trailing white space (single space) (Computed Style)] expected: FAIL [ trailing white space (double space) 2 (Computed Style)] expected: FAIL [!important (Computed Style)] expected: FAIL [!important (with space) (Computed Style)] expected: FAIL [ trailing white space (single space) (Cascading)] expected: FAIL [ trailing white space (double space) 2 (Cascading)] expected: FAIL [!important (Cascading)] expected: FAIL [!important (with space) (Cascading)] expected: FAIL [can overwrite with no value] expected: FAIL [can overwrite with no value (Computed Style)] expected: FAIL [can overwrite with no value (Cascading)] expected: FAIL