[calc-size-flex-basis-on-row.html] [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(any, 357px)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(any, 31%)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(max-content, 31%)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(fit-content, 172px)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(37px, 193px)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(83px, size * 3)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(min-content, size / 2)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(max-content, size * 1.2)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(fit-content, size / 4 + 30px)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(stretch, size / 2 - 10%)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(30px, 15em)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(calc-size(any, 30px), 15em)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(calc-size(2in, 30px), 15em)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(calc-size(min-content, 30px), 15em)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(calc-size(min-content, size), size)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(auto, size)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(auto, size * 1.6 + 23px)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(content, size)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(content, size / 2)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(auto, size * 2) and width: auto] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: auto and width: calc-size(auto, size * 1.5 + 5px)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(auto, size + 14px) and width: calc-size(auto, size * 1.5)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: auto and width: calc-size(max-content, size + 12px)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(auto, size + 4px) and width: calc-size(fit-content, size + 12px)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: 472px and width: calc-size(fit-content, size + 12px)] expected: FAIL [resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: calc-size(content, size * 1.5 + 4px) and width: 321px] expected: FAIL