[value at progress 0.75 in animation of "height" from "0px" to "calc-size(calc-size(min-content, size + 20px), size * 2)"]
expected: FAIL
[value at progress 0.75 in animation of "height" from "calc-size(min-content, size * 4)" to "calc-size(calc-size(min-content, size + 20px), size * 2)"]
expected: FAIL
[value at progress 0.75 in animation of "width" from "calc-size(fit-content, 20px)" to "calc-size(calc-size(fit-content, 40px), size)"]
expected: FAIL
[value at progress 0.75 in animation of "width" from "calc-size(any, 20px)" to "calc-size(calc-size(fit-content, 40px), size)"]
expected: FAIL
[value at progress 0.75 in animation of "width" from "calc-size(calc-size(any, 30px), 20px)" to "calc-size(calc-size(fit-content, 40px), size)"]
expected: FAIL
[value at progress 0.75 in animation of "width" from "calc-size(fit-content, 20px)" to "calc-size(calc-size(fit-content, 3 * size + 10px), min(size + 20px, size * 2 - 30px) + size * 2 + 80px)"]
expected: FAIL
[value at progress 0.75 in animation of "height" from "auto" to "calc-size(any, 0px)"]
expected: FAIL
[value at progress 0.75 in animation of "width" from "calc-size(50%, size)" to "calc-size(calc-size(45%, (size * 2)), size + 20px)"]
expected: FAIL
[value at progress 0.75 in animation of "width" from "calc-size(40%, size)" to "calc-size(calc-size(10px, (size * 2)), size + 20px)"]
expected: FAIL
[value at progress 0.75 in animation of "width" from "calc-size(80px, size)" to "calc-size(calc-size(10px, (size * 2)), size + 20px)"]
expected: FAIL
[value at progress 0.75 in animation of "width" from "calc-size(80px, size)" to "calc-size(calc-size(any, 20px), size + 20px)"]
expected: FAIL