[Animation of list-style in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of list-style in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of tab-size in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of letter-spacing in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of text-emphasis-color in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of tab-size in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of word-spacing in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of text-shadow in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of text-emphasis-position in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of text-emphasis-position in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of line-break in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of text-emphasis in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of text-emphasis in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of word-spacing in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of word-break in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of text-emphasis-style in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of word-break in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of overflow-wrap in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of text-emphasis-style in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of hyphens in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of text-decoration-skip-ink in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of text-emphasis-color in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of overflow-wrap in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of line-break in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of text-shadow in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of text-decoration-skip-ink in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of hyphens in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of letter-spacing in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Animation of cursor in ::marker]
expected: FAIL
[Transition of cursor in ::marker]
expected: FAIL