[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "standard" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "high" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "constrained-high" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "dynamic-range-limit-mix(high 80%, standard 20%)" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "dynamic-range-limit-mix(high 8%, standard 2%)" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "dynamic-range-limit-mix(high 99%, standard 99%)" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "dynamic-range-limit-mix(constrained-high 20%, high 80%)" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "dynamic-range-limit-mix(dynamic-range-limit-mix(constrained-high 90%, high 10%) 1%, high 80%)" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "dynamic-range-limit-mix(high 1%, dynamic-range-limit-mix(constrained-high 2%, high 10%) 80%)" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "dynamic-range-limit-mix(dynamic-range-limit-mix(high 1%, standard 2%) 3%, dynamic-range-limit-mix(constrained-high 5%, high 5%) 6%)" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "dynamic-range-limit-mix(high 99%, standard 99%, constrained-high 10%)" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['dynamic-range-limit'\] = "dynamic-range-limit-mix(high 1%)" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL