[animation-event-destroy-renderer.html?animationiteration] expected: if (os == "linux") and debug and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] if (os == "linux") and debug and not fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] if (os == "linux") and not debug and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] if (os == "linux") and not debug and not fission: [TIMEOUT, OK] [Triggering the cancel of an animation during event handling does not crash.] expected: if (os == "linux") and debug and fission: [PASS, TIMEOUT] if (os == "linux") and debug and not fission: [PASS, TIMEOUT] if (os == "linux") and not debug and fission: [PASS, TIMEOUT] if (os == "linux") and not debug and not fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS] [animation-event-destroy-renderer.html?animationstart]